Traffic loopholes


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2003
So, I was reading Vercetti's civil rights thread, and I saw MichaelD's post

Originally posted by: MichaelD
I fully enjoy testing an officer's knowledge of due process and civil rights. :) ESPECIALLY when they try to ticket me for anything on private property. I.E. a mall parking lot. You cannot be issued a moving or parking violation while parked on private property. Now...of course the cop will wait for you to LEAVE the private property then ticket you, but that's a different story entirely.

Anyways, I was wondering what other sort of esoteric crap exists in the lawbooks like this.

btw, I'm a responsible person, but I read stuff like the Anarchists Cookbook and Rotten/Ogrish for the educational value :confused:, which is why I'm interested. :)


Golden Member
Jun 22, 2001
That used to be the case in my city, only the owners of the malls could ticket people on their property, or they had to ask the police to do it (say someone parked in the handicapped stall who shouldnt be, the cops couldnt give a ticket, the mall would have to call them to come and ticket them), but they changed some bylaw and now they can. It depends on the bylaws in your city


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
what the heck can you do in a parking lot that would get you a moving violation? I mean, anything that would get you a ticket in a parking lot must be pretty damn moronic to begin with, so why even bother with loopholes? just don't be a dumbass



Aug 23, 2001
Originally posted by: MichaelD
I fully enjoy testing an officer's knowledge of due process and civil rights. :) ESPECIALLY when they try to ticket me for anything on private property. I.E. a mall parking lot. You cannot be issued a moving or parking violation while parked on private property. Now...of course the cop will wait for you to LEAVE the private property then ticket you, but that's a different story entirely.

That's pretty ignorant. Most businesses like malls and shopping plazas have signed agreements with local law enforcement which allows the police to issue such citations on their private property.

If you "fully enjoy testing" their knowledge, maybe you should read up a bit yourself first.


Aug 23, 2001
Originally posted by: ApacheXMD
what the heck can you do in a parking lot that would get you a moving violation? I mean, anything that would get you a ticket in a parking lot must be pretty damn moronic to begin with, so why even bother with loopholes? just don't be a dumbass


Blowing a stopsign, speeding, etc.


Oct 10, 1999
If you're black you don't have to pay full court cost. If you don't speak English you get a free lawyer/interpreter. If you are white you pay full court costs and have to beg for traffic school. It is fun getting a similar amount of Community service as the guy that was up for his THIRD domestic violence case. Got to love traffic tickets! But hey, as the DA told me: "look at what you drive." Isn't that awesome? Because I drive a nice car I have to pay the full fine, but if you can't afford it they'll just waive it for you. So I guess my fees help pay for the free counsel the judge was handing out to anyone who didn't speak English or who had a misdemeanor(yes, you read that correctly, even though counsel is only federally required for felonies).


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: MichaelD
I fully enjoy testing an officer's knowledge of due process and civil rights. :) ESPECIALLY when they try to ticket me for anything on private property. I.E. a mall parking lot. You cannot be issued a moving or parking violation while parked on private property. Now...of course the cop will wait for you to LEAVE the private property then ticket you, but that's a different story entirely.
I foresee many "field breathalyser" tests in your future. Hope you "fully enjoy" them. Try not to get any on 'ya. ;)