Total lap-top noob needs guidance for first purchase


Senior member
Jan 6, 2008
While, quite comfortable with all things desk-top, I know absolutely nothing about laptops (or whatever they are called these days). I need something that is light in weight, has a good battery life (is 6-8 hours possible?? i don't even know), and is fairly inexpensive. I don't intend to game on it, as that is what my desk-top is for.

I will be using it at the library, or the bookstore, or the coffee shop. I will use it to download pdf materials and study them, lots of writing in MS Word, and researching on the internet. I can't think of anything else I would likely use it for off the top of my head. Oh, it should be able to play music and videos on VLC.

So, my question is, what kind of device am I looking for? Is it a 'Netbook', or a 'Notebook' or a 'lap-top' or something else? Should I buy a new one or one that is a few years old to get the best bargain? Where is the best place to get one? I know absolutely nothing about these types of computers.

Thank you.
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Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2009
I suggest you buy a cheap intel based system (i3/i5). Netbooks can be a bit slow and annoying if you use them a lot.
What's your budget?

The biggest issue will be the screen. Most cheap laptops have a glossy and low resolution screen (1366x768). Glossy = mirror.
I strongly suggest you go to a shop and have a look at these. Some people don't mind other like me hate it. Or better ask a friend and try it out in direct sun-light conditions. Even in a room, the screen will be unusable, too many reflections.


Senior member
Jan 6, 2008
I was hoping to spend around $250, but for an i3/i5 system, I am guessing I would be paying two to three times? I guess my budget is whatever it has to be, but since all I am dong is very basic functions, I thought it would be cheaper... and lighter. But you are right, I do not want slow and annoying.
Dec 10, 2005
You could try for one of the AMD E350 based fusion netbooks. Faster than an Atom, but still cheaper than a full-fledged notebook in the same size-class.
Feb 25, 2011
Congratulations! You have an excuse to buy a Thinkpad T60.

Only drawback will be the battery life (3 hours tops on a charge, maybe less if it's a secondhand battery.) But most libraries and coffee shops have conveniently located AC outlets you can camp.


Senior member
Jan 6, 2008
Thanks guys. This gives me a great leaping off point towards figuring out what to buy. Thanks for the ideas, I really appreciate it.


Senior member
Jan 6, 2008
So the Thinkpad T60/61 looks like a good bet. Long battery life and decent specs, other than being a bit ugly imo.

But, one big (and possibly really dumb) question: Am I correct in the inference that this model does not have an optical drive? It seems impossible, but it seems to be what I am reading (i.e. no integrated optical drive).


Golden Member
Oct 4, 2010
So the Thinkpad T60/61 looks like a good bet. Long battery life and decent specs, other than being a bit ugly imo.

But, one big (and possibly really dumb) question: Am I correct in the inference that this model does not have an optical drive? It seems impossible, but it seems to be what I am reading (i.e. no integrated optical drive).

I bought a used Thinkpad T60 off ebay for $137 CAD with Core Duo 1.8GHz, 1GB RAM, and a DVD-ROM (no burning), no OS. I added an SSD, 2 GB RAM, and Win7 for a net cost of about $300. I love this laptop and would point out that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think its classic Thinkpad aesthetics (not to mention the matte display and excellent keyboard and build quality) are vastly more pleasing than those of the average glossy plastic consumer notebook. In fact, I gave my ASUS UL80 to my GF because I like this "old" used computer so much better.

Battery life is about 4 hours with a new 9-cell battery ($80, Lenovo brand). It got about 90 minutes on the used 6-cell that it came with.