Toronto voters elect moderate conservative to replace Ford


Dec 18, 2010
I thought Canadians were liberal? Why would they elect a moderate conservative to replace a crack smoking mayor?

Isn't tolerance one of the core values of liberalism? If you are tolerant, why vote for the opposite of mayor Ford? Surely smoking crack played no factor with the liberal voters, right?

Frail cancer-stricken Rob Ford is replaced by conservative family man as Mayor of Toronto: Notorious crack-smoker bows out as brother fails to succeed him

As I have posted before, everyone is a bigot. With some people we just have to dig a little deeper. With the case of Ford, smoking crack was probably the limit on what liberals will tolerate.

If you consider yourself a liberal, where do you think your limits are at? Would you vote for Ford if he ran again? If not why not?

If you are a liberal and would not vote for ford, do you consider yourself a bigot because you are discriminating against someone with a drug problem?
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Jan 12, 2005
I fail to see how this is a tolerance issue. People voted for who they felt was the best person for the job, John Tory received 40% of the vote and won, Doug Ford received 34%. This is how elections work.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2011
Yet another tediously inane 'gotcha' thread by a man who simply doesn't understand the very things he claims to oppose.

Orignal Earl

Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2005
You could say Toronto voters elect moderate conservative to replace Tea Party mayor too, instead of crackhead
Pretty sure mayors in TO are nonpartisan though so...
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Dec 18, 2010
Yet another tediously inane 'gotcha' thread by a man who simply doesn't understand the very things he claims to oppose.

There is no "gotcha" here. Why don't you just address the opening post?

I have said several times in this forum that there is a limit to what liberals will tolerate.

Orignal Earl

Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2005
There is no "gotcha" here. Why don't you just address the opening post?

I have said several times in this forum that there is a limit to what liberals will tolerate.

You want posters to help you diagnose your fantasies?
You should seek professional help with that


Apr 10, 2000
Texashiker, have you considered seeking help from a professional therapist? I'm sure I'm not the first person to suggest this to you. Heck, I'm sure I'm not the first person this week. But you clearly have some issues that you need to work out.

Might I also suggest taking some form of adult education classes as I'd say education is something you're a bit short on as well.


Sep 20, 2007
You could say Toronto voters elect moderate conservative to replace Tea Party mayor too, instead of crackhead
Pretty sure mayors in TO are nonpartisan though so...

Actual Canadian who lives near Toronto here.

Yes, there are no parties in municipal politics. Tea Party doesn't exist here.
Rob Ford we re-elected councilor in his old ward. His brother Doug lost the mayoral election, though it was a fairly close race.

Toronto is a liberal city yes, but here's why it voted for a centre-right mayor. Prior to the 2000s, Toronto's four boroughs operated as independent municipalities under the umbrella of Toronto Region (county). About 15 years ago, the boroughs were amalgamated into one "mega-city" by the province. To goal was to save money by eliminating duplicate services. The province also wanted to download certain social services to the municipalities.

North York, Etobicoke, and Scarborough are suburban and tend to vote centrist. The Downtown bleeds socialist orange.

When the city first amalgamated, the suburbs put in conservative mayor Mel Lastman. The urban Downtown revolted and elected socialist David Miller in 2003 for two terms. Under his tenure, crime shot up. The civil service started to bloat as well, he ran a dysfunctional council, and environmental pro-green policies bumped up spending.

What killed Miller though was a very divisive garbage strike during the recession. Civil servants were fighting over the right to bank sick days, while people in the private sector were losing jobs left and right. Miller chose to ride it out, since union bosses were some of his biggest supporters. Created a lot of bitterness, especially in the suburbs. There's this deep rift that's developed, where the outer boroughs felt ignored. The fact that so much of Miller's tenure focused on downtown development, well, you can't blame them. Miller knew where his bread was buttered.

The suburbs then elected Rob Ford as mayor. What the news doesn't tell you is that Rob Ford was actually one of the most active councilors at the time. He was visible in his ward, and approachable if you had issues with the city. He was also an ardent critic of rising property taxes in the suburban areas, which house a lot of Toronto's low income families. He's knew how to leverage populism. Ford positioned himself as someone who would represent their needs by keeping their costs down, bringing transit, etc. None of his policies as mayor were particularly controversial or news grabbing. Which is why they went after his personal life.

John Tory represents a shift back to the centre. The burbs continue to outvote the downtown. Had Rob Ford continued, the election would have been closer. Tory's been in politics for a long time though. This was his second run for mayor.

You got a lot of strategic voting to keep Doug Ford out of office. He's not as charismatic as his brother. Lot of folks don't like him. Socialist candidate Olivia Chow is best described as a bumbling fool. She came off as inarticulate during debates. A lot of people accused her of trying to ride off her husband (former NDP leader) Jack Layton's coat tails. Socialist candidates still swept the downtown for council seats, but the suburbs outnumber them for mayor.

Newell Steamer

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2014
I think what he is saying is that; liberals are a bad for NOT allowing a crack smoking mayor to continue his crack smoking rule of Toronto,.. because that is counter to their claims of being tolerant. And, they should feel bad for preaching tolerance and not tolerating a crack fiend.

It's a little game conservatards play where they just 'flip' things on their heads. It doesn't make sense, but, they just flipped it,...


,.. so, they win.

Nothing more than pure buffoonery.


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
Just because, you know, sometimes I just feel like pouring gasoline on the sputtering ember that passes for a Texashiker thought...

I, for one, won't vote for a crackhead, nor an alcoholic, not even a recovered alcoholic. Call it a puritanical streak, but I think think substance abuse to the point of addiction reveals a deep character flaw and renders a candidate unworthy of my vote.


Apr 10, 2000
Just because, you know, sometimes I just feel like pouring gasoline on the sputtering ember that passes for a Texashiker thought...

I, for one, won't vote for a crackhead, nor an alcoholic, not even a recovered alcoholic. Call it a puritanical streak, but I think think substance abuse to the point of addiction reveals a deep character flaw and renders a candidate unworthy of my vote.

Ah, but here's the question, if your choice was between say Texashiker and a crack addict, which would you vote for? I for one find myself for the first time in my life thinking "how bad is crack really?"


Jan 12, 2005
I think what he is saying is that; liberals are a bad for NOT allowing a crack smoking mayor to continue his crack smoking rule of Toronto,.. because that is counter to their claims of being tolerant. And, they should feel bad for preaching tolerance and not tolerating a crack fiend.

It's a little game conservatards play where they just 'flip' things on their heads. It doesn't make sense, but, they just flipped it,...


,.. so, they win.

Nothing more than pure buffoonery.

It's like TH is saying liberals are intolerant because they didn't re-elect an admitted druggie who wasn't even in the election. If liberals were tolerant, then they would have elected a man who wasn't in the running. It is such a flawed odd way of thinking to me.

Orignal Earl

Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2005
Actual Canadian who lives near Toronto here.

Hello mmntech, I'm a Canadian, in the center to the left of you ;)
Ya, I was just speaking THinese.
All I really know about Ford (aside from all the crack stuff) is that he was a Progressive Conservative
Man, that's two words that don't seem to go together anymore lol ;)

Nice summary

Newell Steamer

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2014
It's like TH is saying liberals are intolerant because they didn't re-elect an admitted druggie who wasn't even in the election. If liberals were tolerant, then they would have elected a man who wasn't in the running. It is such a flawed odd way of thinking to me.

Ooooh, right!! I totally didn't even think of this juicy bit!!



Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just because, you know, sometimes I just feel like pouring gasoline on the sputtering ember that passes for a Texashiker thought...

I, for one, won't vote for a crackhead, nor an alcoholic, not even a recovered alcoholic. Call it a puritanical streak, but I think think substance abuse to the point of addiction reveals a deep character flaw and renders a candidate unworthy of my vote.

That is all.

You'll have to give us Americans a moment... while we try to grasp the concept of nonpartisan. Some of us may not ever understand.
Sure we understand. Nonpartisan means you elect a crack head. :D


Feb 5, 2006
Canadian "conservative" is to the left of Barack Obama, and probably supports universal single payer health care system that Canada has.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
Another TH thread that caused me to waste 20 seconds of time looking for just the right facepalm image.. time that could have been better spent on...oh I dunno... work or something.

I decided facepalm wasn't quite it... this wouldn't even merit that much effort. Implied facepalm gets it done.



May 4, 2001
"moderate conservative" is a relative term as it relates to both the local politics and that of the fucking Daily Mail. Had they elected a tea partier, Daily Mail would be saying "Toronto elects extreme Fascist!"