Too late for trollhunters?


Senior member
Jun 27, 2001

I got ripped off in a trade near January by this one guy. I had met him on a newsgroup...we had arranged a trade where We would send each other new cellular phones...I sent, but never got mine....I have receipts of everything, but he never replied. In searching for the guys I found other people who had also been ripped off by him. Finally, I know he got the phone because there was a post in some cellphone board of him selling it, with a camera pic! Also, there was a rebate on the cell phone that I tried to use (it only needed a copy of the UPC/receipt), but I got a letter later from best buy saying that it would not work becasue the item was returned ( i sent him the item neqw w/ receipt). As I said, I have his address, and I have come in contacted with 3 others who were scammed by him...

I just learned of troll hunters, would there be anything I could do? I have records of our conversations, etc.


Oct 30, 2001
it may be too late, because he returned the items already, but contact them anyway, they have been known to work miracles before.