Originally posted by: Perknose
HAHA, the scam that never dies. Thirty years ago when I was on the West Coast I had lemming like friends.
It went this way. You pay and pay and pay for courses, seminars and books trying to become "clear".
Then, one day, you finally realize you've been taken.
Volia! You're "clear".
Originally posted by: chuckywang
I refer you to
The Church of Scientology exists to make money. Period. Scientologists believe that the evil alien Xenu brought the population of a sector of the galaxy to Earth and exterminated them with H-bombs. The souls of these exterminated beings are called "body thetans" and they inhabit us, causing all our faults. At a high level of Scientology, scientologists have to telepathically communicate to them to make them go away.
Once they rid themselves of body thetans, they are "Clear" and become "Operating Thetans." Of course, the only way to get to such a level is to spend a lot of money.
Quoting myself, and the estimable
chuckywang, just so we're all "clear" here.
I agree with those who say (more or less) that the road to self realization can be a meandering path and that anything that can help an individual along the way without doing any great harm to themselves or others is OK.
I also agree with those who say that Scientology has high, high levels of "whack" and that the bureaucracy of Scientology seems to exist primarily to part the gullible from large amounts of their money.
But, hey, back in the day I got picked up hitchhiking in LA by a pretty damn good looking blonde babe who almost instantly took a shine to me because I made good "eye contact", which was apparently something she'd learned about in Scientology. And to think, I achieved this exalted state without spending a dime on their on Scientology crapola!
Anyway, it got me laid, so I have a personal soft spot for the whole crazy program. Any 'religion" that can enable a good looking woman to appreciate what a swell and self realized fellow I am can't be all bad.