Todays Poll results


Elite Member
Jan 29, 2000
I thought I might post this info from a daily update I get in my e-mail. Its for all the politically vocal to chew on this morning.

Tracking Polls

TextMSNBC/Reuters/Zogby: Bush 45, Gore 42, Nader 5 Bush 45, Gore 40, Nader 5
CNN/Gallup: Bush 48, Gore 43, Nader 3
ABC News: Bush 49, Gore, 45, Nader 3
Washington Post: Bush 49, Gore 45, Nader 3
Rasmussen/Portrait of America: Bush 47, Gore 42

MSNBC/Zogby/Reuters State Tracking Polls:

FL: Gore 48, Bush 41, Nader 5
IL: Gore 46, Bush 42, Nader 4
MI: Gore 50, Bush 41, Nader 3
MO: Bush 46, Gore 43, Nader 4
NY: Gore 51, Bush 36, Nader 5
OH: Bush 48, Gore 40, Nader 4
PA: Gore 47, Bush 41, Nader 7
TN: Bush 48, Gore 45, Nader 2
WA: Gore 45, Bush 43, Nader 6
WI: Gore 45, Bush 42, Nader 5

Very close race.Very close!!!


Feb 2, 2000
Yikes, that is close, looks like we are not going to have a clue this year until the last minute. I am voting for Gore, he is the one I agree with the most. Though I will say Bush does have some very good ideas.

That is why everybody needs to vote. I don't care who you are voting for, but make sure you get your butt out there and do it. Every single vote counts, so make sure you have a say in what happens. And now I will get off my soapbox. ;)



Elite Member
Jan 29, 2000
Total Refected Power

If the vote was today and you used those poll results,Al Gore would be your next President. HaHa.;)


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2000
TS: You might be right.

Another reason why the Electoral college should be abolished. As much as I DESPISE Bush, he should be President if gets the most votes.



Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Gore will not lose here in TN. People here are pissed off at our Republican Governor who is trying to give us a state income tax. This will cause many to vote for the democrat.....Gore. I sure hope Gore wins, but unlike Republicans, I don't think the world will come to an end if my candidate doesn't win. I am so tired of hearing Republicans (especially around my office) saying the country will be shot to hell if Bush isn't elected. No matter who is elected, the American people will not let our country get out of control.


Elite Member
Jan 29, 2000
From the back of my voter registration card:

Vote,and the choice is yours.Don't vote,and the choice is theirs. Register,or you have no choice.


Oct 9, 2000

the country already is out of control. the government takes nearly half of the income from many of our citizens, and is fighting a war on drugs that is only raising crime, taking jail space from real criminals, and is actually a war on the people.

if you vote for Gore you might as well call yourself a Socialist. he thinks 2% interest on social security is better than letting the people invest it, what a crock of sh!t. he thinks the government knows how to spend your money better than you can. he also spouts off countless lies, such as the infamous "Bush favors the top 1%" lie.

before bush tax cut: top 1% pay 62% of the taxes
after bush tax cut: top 1% pay 64% of the taxes

Gore is nothing more than a liar that will do and say anything to get elected.

screw this BS, vote Libertarian

end the war on the people, stop the government theft.


Elite Member
Oct 11, 1999

<< ...the government takes nearly half of the income from many of our citizens... >>

So what? That money is what pays for our schools, roads, libraries, museums, police, military, etc... I may be in the minority here, but I really don't care what tax cuts anyone proposes. I don't vote with my wallet; I actually care about the real issues that should affect all of us, and I try to select the best person for the job.

As Americans, we enjoy the lowest tax burden of the industrialized world, yet we have the world's largest freeway system, the world's best system of higher education, and our country is among the most modern. We really don't have anything to complain about; I'm surprised some of the European members here don't point that out more often.

The only time I whine about taxes is when it is obvious that the money is mismanaged. For example, I pay more in taxes to the city of Pittsburgh than I do to the state of Pennsylvania, yet at it's current spending level the city will be completely bankrupt next June unless a bailout from the federal government comes through.


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2000
Wow, none of you even mentioned Nader's slight rise. I'm afraid you're all quite conditioned into believing the two-party system still deserves to hold onto its power. And that's a shame.

I'd rather see Harry Browne instead of Darth Nader but hey at least a third-party is showing.

soup or man

Senior member
Jan 17, 2000

<< slap-

the country already is out of control. the government takes nearly half of the income from many of our citizens, and is fighting a war on drugs that is only raising crime, taking jail space from real criminals, and is actually a war on the people.

if you vote for Gore you might as well call yourself a Socialist. he thinks 2% interest on social security is better than letting the people invest it, what a crock of sh!t. he thinks the government knows how to spend your money better than you can. he also spouts off countless lies, such as the infamous &quot;Bush favors the top 1%&quot; lie.

before bush tax cut: top 1% pay 62% of the taxes
after bush tax cut: top 1% pay 64% of the taxes

Gore is nothing more than a liar that will do and say anything to get elected.

screw this BS, vote Libertarian

end the war on the people, stop the government theft.

why don't you go spend a month in North Korea then complain about our government.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999

Thank You! Where do people think all the money for raods, schools, military, is going to come from. I just got out of college last year and I am currently making somewhere around 50K a year. I claim single with no dependents so I get plenty and I mean plenty taken out for taxes. Does this bother me, hell no. I plan my budget around that. The only option I would like, which netither canidate has mentioned, is each person being able to chose whether or not to even use Social Security (Not paying in any and not getting any later). I believe government employees have that choice. I just wish I did.



Oct 9, 2000
red dawn

maybe thats because the only politicians you concern yourself with are from the two major parties. if you opened your eyes to some other candidates you might find some have much more character and concern for the people than either Gore or Bush. i can show you so many Al Gore lies you will hardly have time to even read them all. no other politician i know of is even in the same league as Gore.


they earn the money, they have a right to keep it. you shouldn't be punished just because you are successful.

&quot;We really don't have anything to complain about; I'm surprised some of the European members here don't point that out more often.&quot;

the flaws and downfalls of other countries have nothing to do with whether or not we can improve things here.

&quot;That money is what pays for our schools, roads, libraries, museums, police, military, etc...&quot;

if you don't think the military budget could be better managed, you are kidding yourself.

soup or man

again, the flaws and downfalls of other countries have nothing to do with whether or not we can improve things here. what part of that is so difficult to understand?



Elite Member
Jan 29, 2000

Red Dawn, Soup or Man,and Reitz have given decent posts in reply to this thread. All you have done is post some right wing drivle rubbish to bash valid statements.

Step up to the plate and tell us how valid a vote for Harry Browne will be on November 7th. Tell us how he has a real chance of being elected. I will listen. Let us now know without a doubt how Harry Brownw will pay for the military and highways and police and education and environmental protection and fair labor laws and anything else you care to add. I would love to vote for the right person on November 7th. Is Harry ready for the job?


Oct 9, 2000

&quot;Red Dawn, Soup or Man,and Reitz have given decent posts in reply to this thread. All you have done is post some right wing drivle rubbish to bash valid statements.&quot;

sad to see that is your opinion. but it is nothing more than that. please explain how what i said is &quot;right wing drivle rubbish&quot; and how are their statements &quot;valid&quot;.

&quot;how Harry Brownw will pay for the military&quot;

by defending America, not the world. he has a goal of increasing our defensive capabilities while reducing needless spending on high tech weapons. as it stands now many countries can bomb us into oblivion. our defense? bomb us and we will bomb you. harry browne is in favor of missle defense and invasion defense. at the same time he would reduce the defense spending from $265 billion to around $120 billion. i also like his policy of going after dictators, not the people.

&quot;highways and police and education and environmental protection and fair labor laws and anything else you care to add&quot;

from savings from the massive cuts and reform to the government. environmental protection is handled through privatization. government own land is polluted land. there will be no federal law enforcement, he will let the states handle it. as far as education goes, he wants to remove the federal government from it entirely. national standards imply that states can't do it themselves.

here is harry browne on education:

If important things [like education] must be handled by government, why doesn?t government provide free food-as it provides free schooling? One could live without knowing how to read, but no one can live without food. So why doesn?t government operate the supermarkets?
Imagine what it would be like. The food stores would become what the schools have become. Political battles would decide which foods are available. If you don?t like the choices, you?d have to attend ?food board? meetings. Food would become more and more expensive, even as the quality deteriorated. And don?t get caught praying in a supermarket.

Now let?s reverse the picture. Imagine instead that schools were operated like today?s supermarkets. Most school systems would offer a variety of approaches to any one subject-just as a supermarket offers a variety of brands for any one food item. And if you didn?t like what one school offered, or if you didn?t like the way your child was treated, you could patronize another school.

edit: and on the police issue, much would be saved by not prosecuting victimless crime. this also serves to reduce real crime.



Sep 21, 2000
Why doesn't someone just run over Igor with a truck, and get it over with! Maybe Hillary too, if she's nearby.


Aug 18, 2000
Who cares about Tennessee, when Gore has a healthy lead in Jeb Bush-governed Florida? I think Gore would trade Tennessee for Florida any day, FL has more electoral votes.


Elite Member
Jan 29, 2000

Where do you live?Hayden Lake Idaho?

You are in a dream world friend. Nothing of what you said even approaches reality. It's a no brainer that Harry Browne has no valid program for the US in todays world. I am voting for Libertarians in my state where they can do good. But Harry Browne,with his utopian idealism, isn't even close to being reasonable or respected in the US or anywhere else other than Hayden Lake Idaho.

My liturature osesn't show Harry Browne abandioning rechnology for military weapons.But if oyu say so,I'll pass on that candidadte,because thats the most assinine apraoach to national defense I have ever heard of.

Glad you spelled it out for all of us. We now know who NOT to vote for!


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2000

The Libertarians are more or less ready for federal office. It doesn't take a team of economists, lawyers, analysts, consultants and seers to determine where the government wastes money, abuses its power and otherwise exceeds constitutional authority. And btw do you really think Browne would put in place a series of simultaneous policies of spending reductions that would utterly destroy the country? I didn't think so. Reduction of the federal government and reassignment of tasks may take decades but it's the right approach to take.

The libbies aren't as polished a party as the Rs and Ds. So what? Are you so used to being spoon-fed your lies that you can't even be bothered to open your mind to other possibilities? Now I know in other threads you've said some nice things about Browne so give them some credit at least! ;)

Here's what I find totally dumb about people and politics: the country puts Rs in power for 12 years, then sees how they've made a mess of things. Then it proceeds to put Ds in power for 8 years and sees how they've messed things up. Now the Rs are coming back for their tenure again. Geez, anybody awake out there???? *knock, knock* Joe and Jane Q. Public are you home? Do you have a clue? Have you figured out the Ds and Rs aren't getting the job done?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Boy oh boy, them polls look like an albatross is soaring across our skys. Bush doesn't have the political experience to have the top job-six years as a minor league governor- yea yea yea, big state, but weak responsibilities. If he had any humility, and CHARACTER he wouldn't have run. McCain was presidential material. What's wrong with Republicans anyway. A bad case of premature ejaculation if I ever saw one.


Oct 9, 2000

harry browne says that he would reduce R&amp;D for new weapons (not abandon). maybe i should have explained it more clearly.

&quot;because thats the most assinine apraoach to national defense I have ever heard of.&quot;

hardly. the russians could end the world as we know it with a volley of nuclear missles. literally killing you, me, and almost everyone else in this country. you want to know whats asinine? having no way to defend against it. spending billions of dollars for high tech strike craft is by no means the best way to spend the military budget.

jelly is right, stop listening to what the media spoon feeds you.