to Douglas Adams fans


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2000
i am doing The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy for my final english project, but i have a slight problem. One of the things i am supposed to do is make a list of 7-10 questions and tentative answers about the story, but i am having trouble coming up with some. If someone can give me a few ideas i'd appreciate it, my brain is feeling sluggish today :)


Mar 19, 2001
You haven't given enough info.

What kind of questions are you looking for? What's the purpose of the assignment?


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2000
i read the book twice over and i'm in the proecess of reading Life, the Universe and Everything. The questions have to be open ended... one of them that i did was if arthur, zaphod and ford had previously had another adventure that is different from the book, because of what Adams had said one time:

: ?There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened. ?

so i brought up the point that things could have turned out differently, if the vogons had been 5 days late destroying earth and they had found the ultimate question etc.


Mar 19, 2001
Ahhh... well it appears the intention of the assignment is to get you to consider the story from different points of view. The questions serve as a way of critically analyzing the story. That being the case if we were to come up with the questions you wouldn't be receiving the benefit of the assignment.

Considering how many times I have cursed how poorly school's instruct students, I would be a hypocrite were I to interfere in what I find to be a worthwhile assignment. Your teacher is asking you not only to read the story but to consider the meaning of it.... that's good homework. :)


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2000
Originally posted by: djheater
Ahhh... well it appears the intention of the assignment is to get you to consider the story from different points of view. The questions serve as a way of critically analyzing the story. That being the case if we were to come up with the questions you wouldn't be receiving the benefit of the assignment.

Considering how many times I have cursed how poorly school's instruct students, I would be a hypocrite were I to interfere in what I find to be a worthwhile assignment. Your teacher is asking you not only to read the story but to consider the meaning of it.... that's good homework. :)

oh i realize the point, it's just that it's a sunday afternoon and my creativity has left me. I was hoping for a few ideas to get my brain working, as it seems to have taken a leave of absense. My problem, i find, is that i can only come up with "what if"s, instead of questions that remained not so obviously answered. My other problem is that i have read the two books that came after it, so i know the answeres to some of the questions and cannot draw them out of my mind