My Series 1 TIVO (hacked) has just crapped out on me.
I believe it's a HD failure. I have the infamous GREEN SCREEN OF DEATH error.
Here is where ATOT comes in.
Should I purchase a brand new TIVO? Or should I try and fix this piece of crap HD?
Getting a new drive will be around $150 for a nice sized one.
Getting a 40 hour TIVO will be around $150 after rebate.
AGH! Help me ATOT
I believe it's a HD failure. I have the infamous GREEN SCREEN OF DEATH error.
Here is where ATOT comes in.
Should I purchase a brand new TIVO? Or should I try and fix this piece of crap HD?
Getting a new drive will be around $150 for a nice sized one.
Getting a 40 hour TIVO will be around $150 after rebate.
AGH! Help me ATOT