Originally posted by: Pr0d1gy
Is there anything that will tell us what each of the settings actually is, since they call them odd names? I need to adjust the timings on my RAM just to make it run correctly.
Sure not a problem. Here is usually how RAM timings look like. You normally have:
Cas Latency
Ras Precharge (TRP)
Ras To Cas Delay (TRCD)
Motherboard Cycle Time (TRAS)
When people and manufacturers report RAM timings it goes in this order:
(CAS) - (TRP) - (TRCD) - (TRAS)
For example, my OCZ PC4000 Rev2 uses the latest Hynix DT-D50 chips. Its timings are 2.5-3-3-7 with 2.80v @ DDR500 speeds. In your BIOS it looks like this:
Taken from here ill intereperate em for you...
First as the picture suggests switch to manual mode.
The Memclock refers to the divider. 200 is 1:1. 166 is 5:4 etc etc. setting the RAM to 1:1 will synch it with the CPU's HTT speed. At a CPU HTT of 250 your ram will also be 250. When using 5:4 at 250 your RAM would be at 200. These ratios are used to allow for overclcoking on slower RAM.
First timing is as I said earlier. CAS Latency (TCL) set that to what you want or what your RAM is rated for
Next is the TRAS. That is the motherboard's Cycle time. The way you configure TRAS is as follows. You add the TRCD and TRP together and add 1. As the picture suggests 2+2 (TRCD + TRP) + 1 = 5. Which is why TRAS = 5
Next is the TRCD. Set that to what you want. Just as a note of caution, lower numbers mean lower latency which increases speed. Also note that TRCD is the most stressful timing on most RAM. Unless you have TCCD or a BH/UTT varient, it will not boot with a TRCD lower than 3.
Next is the TRP. This is the second most stressful timing. While some RAM can use TRP of 2 most cannot.
The following timings are a mystery to me. Those deal specifically with the A64's ondie memory controller. Generally speaking lower numbers are better but I personally would leave those on auto.
The next timing of interest is 1T/2T Memory timing. This is commly known as CPC or Command Per Clock rate. Setting this to 1T is FAR better than 2T. Unlike Intel, AMD takes a serious peformance hit with 2T. You can tell quite clearly which one you are using if you look at Sisoft Sandra's memory bandwith benchmark.
If your memory efficiency is less than 80% you are using 2T if it is higher than 80% you are using 1T. Common bandwith for 2T is around mid 70%....which is horrible.
The next 3 timings I have no clue what to do with them. The Read Preamble and Asynch Latency both use 6ns which refers to the memory access time. DDR333 uses 6ns (nano-seconds) while DDR400 uses 5ns. Not sure what those 2's purpose is. I would leave them alone or on AUTO if possible.
Just as a walkthrough on this board here is what my timings would look like in order:
D0 (or auto if possible)
6ns (or auto if possible)
6ns (or auto if possible)
With such timings and settings at stock it would boot to DDR400 with the timings of 2.5-3-3-7. From there I would raise the vdimm to 2.80 or 2.85v and push the HTT multiplier from 5 (1000) to 4 (800). Finally I would raise the bus speed to 250 which would give me my DDR500 speed and stock timings.
**be aware that I am assuming you are using a reasonable multiplier like 9 or 10X**
Did that help any?