Thoughts on Shuttle's XPCs


Senior member
Mar 19, 2001
I posted this at TR, but Anandtech is my first home and usually the discussions are better here, so I thought I'd repost it (sorry if you think it's spam):

I'm sold on the Shuttle XPCs.

Shuttle's been keeping the same form factor for all off the latest ones, and they say that they're planning on keeping it for a while, so at least there's hope for a future mobo upgrade. I know it's hard to find an FS51 now, but hopefully the XPC mobos will become more available as XPC sales grow. I imagine sales will jump when the SN41 and SK41 come out, as lots of people have been waiting for AMD SFF systems with an AGP slot for a while, and the dual-channel DDR RAM doesn't hurt either.

The only thing that I'm worried about is the single 5.25" bay. I'll be getting a CD-RW/DVD combo drive, but that's obviously not as good as my Pioneer 106s/Plextor 24x10x40 combo. That's the only big sacrifice I'm making for size, which isn't too bad. I'm also dropping from a Game Theater XP to the onboard audio, so I won't be using the SB51G (I'm hoping to get one next month) for a full multimedia comp, but that's not what I have in mind for it.

Why I'm getting it: School is far from home, and I have two long breaks during the year.
Problem: Parent's comp = PII-450 (I'll leave out the details, but just assume everything's just as old).
My old solution: Box up my current box and bring it home as checked baggage. So, what's wrong with that solution? 1) I forgot to take off my heatsink once, so the clip broke and it rattled around in my computer (luckily, no damage was done). I replaced it with an Alpha PAL8045, which has four screws to attach it, so it?s really annoying to remove it for transport. 2) It's big and really heavy (I got my case just before the aluminum cases started hitting the big-time). Normal baggage + back pack + 40lb box = ugg?
New solution: SB51G. I'll spurge and buy the XPC Carrying Bag and hopefully get away with it being a "personal item" so I can carry it onboard with me along with my backpack (usually holding my PS2).
The other solution would be to ship my computer via UPS or FedEx, which is
$40 * two ways * twice a year = $160/year...
Ouchie... not doing that.

Oh, this is what I'll be throwing in my SB51G (don't laugh - I'm a college student on a college student budget):
P4 2.4B
256MB Mushkin PC3000 (got it a few days ago - just before the price increase)
GeForce4 Ti 4200 (from old comp)
80MB WD Special Edition
Plextor DVD/CDRW combo
ATI TV-Wonder PCI (from old comp)

Why SFF works for me: I don't use SCSI, and when I'm at school, I'll have my other two computers which I can use for anything my XPC can't do (or doesn't do as well, like CD copying). The XPC is a convenience for me when I go home, but when I?m at school, which is most of the year, I?ll still have my two conventional towers to bail me out. If the onboard sound isn?t as good as my GTXP, then I?ll just have to use my ?old? computer to play MP3s/Divx/DVDs. When I?m at home, my speakers aren?t good enough to notice the difference between in audio quality, so I won?t care. Also, I?m used to using two computers (one Linux box for programming ? go emacs ? and one Windows box for gaming/casual usage), so the addition of the third won?t be too big of a deal.

Basically, the Shuttle XPCs fit my needs very well, and where it doesn?t quite live up to what I want (rare occasions), I?ll have other computers waiting to take its place.

Sorry for the longwinded post, but most people seemed anti-SFF, so I wanted to explain why they could be very useful. I?m also waiting for the noise to die down from the Halloween parties, so I can sleep enough to stay awake for my 8:00 class tomorrow.


<end repost>

So, what are your thoughts about Shuttle's XPCs/SFF in general?

I know most people interested in SFF go to Sudhian's SFF forum, but I'm not sure about Sudhian's ties with Shuttle (they seem a little too close to be unbiased), so I'm not as comfortable posting there.


Mar 30, 2000
I have a friend who just got a SS51G recently. I wouldn't worry to much about the lack of 5.25 bays, as all the latest XPCs have both firewire and USB 2.0 support built in. Thus all you need to do is keep a eye out for a good deal for a external enclosure and add your dvdrom or hard drive. Keep a eye on the hot deals forum for those. The XPC bag itself is kinda small to carry any extras, my friend uses a old sports duffle bag to carry a full sized keyboard and cables and such (except monitor) to LAN parties.

In regards to the Sudhian forums, Shuttle seems to be the only major manufacture that has a "clue" to the demand for a SFF market and thus the majority of people in that forum will be more biased toward Shuttle. Once a few more manufacture get into the market with simular quality products things should even out.


Senior member
Mar 19, 2001
About the Sudhian forums, this is what I meant (from Odie: Sudhian's "Second in Command"):
Finally, the official Shuttle accessory store has been completed and opened for use. We have stock of most of the major XPC accessories, and expect an even greater variety in the near future
Then later:
Keep in mind that since we are the actual company, we have to sell at a higher price so as not to compete with our distributor and reseller customers...
The "Official Shuttle Accessory Store" is at Notice that it's on Shuttle's own server. To me, this means that there is a commercial connection between Sudhian and Shuttle, and therefore I don't know how much weight to put on their reviews and their forums.


*quote formatting mine


Golden Member
Sep 3, 2000
I'm really looking forward to the release of the SN41G2, and the 2 5.25 drive bay H model.
For now, you can get a combo drive for the single 5.25 model, I recommend the Samsung SM-332, I'm happy with mine. (LG make a good one also, but has only 2MB cache and no Mt. Rainier, Philips has a similar one called the RWDV3210K).
I want to get the new upcoming Sanyo CRD-BPDV2 DVD+RW for the SFF and a Yamaha CRW-F1zdx (USB 2.0/FW external).
Should go nicely with the upcoming ATI A-I-W Radeon 9700 Pro!


Senior member
Dec 15, 2001
That heatpipe it uses is very very good. It cools like a Swiftech or Alpha! It is simply amazing, check out and they have a good review of it. If I had the money I would get one of those to go along with my big system.


Senior member
Aug 27, 2000
Based on my SV25 (1.3 Celeron, 256MB, Lite-On LTR-48125W) I'll buy another, faster Shuttle when the prices drop. (They are reasonable now but I don't game so I can wait.)
The workmanship is good and it makes a nice utility computer.


Senior member
Mar 19, 2001
This is just a will pass.'re probably right. These small computers are probably just a fad. I'm sure we'll all go back to computers that take up a whole room anytime now.



Sep 15, 2002
It might be a fad, but all I know is I want one! SFF nForce2. Gimme, Gimme, Gimme. I wouldnt worry about finding a inexpensive Enclosure, the XPC has Firewire and USB2.0. Intergrated NIC, SoundStorm, PS/2, and 1 PCI and 1 AGP Slot. Thats what you pretty much need for a good system.


Golden Member
Jan 11, 2002
The only reason I would go with a Shuttle XPC would be for a HTPC, it looks great, and it's quiet. They are still very nice, but I would consider the SFF computers it a small market. I don't think they will come close to being as popular as the mid tower cases and ATX form factor computers.


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2000
There's another competitor for Shuttle now. These people were showing their SFF P4 bare-bones at the Intel Channel Conference today. Pluses: two 5.25" external bays, three different colors, Intel Integrated Graphics. Minuses: No AGP slot, Intel Integrated Graphics.


Sep 15, 2002
Intel Intergrated Graphics, I think this company wont last very long :eek:


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: 86plymouthcolt
This is just a will pass.

They've got LAN Box written all over them, I truly love the idea.


Sep 15, 2002
Ditto that, I may get one too :eek: Maybe they'll have silver/mirror finish :D


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2001
just look at soldam the Polo-R is amazing! it has all the smart design and features of the ss51G (the chassis is very similar), but it looks so DAMN GOOD! man I can imagine apple fanboys drooling over this baby


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2000
Originally posted by: dpopiz
just look at soldam the Polo-R is amazing! it has all the smart design and features of the ss51G (the chassis is very similar), but it looks so DAMN GOOD! man I can imagine apple fanboys drooling over this baby

Price with shipping is 98,800 Yen. If the Yen is still *around* 100/USDollar that means this barebones case would cost almost $1000 USD!!!!:Q:Q:Q:Q:Q:Q


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2001
last I heard from my Jap teacher, it's about 120 yen to the dollar, but still WOW I hope that price isn't right