It's called keeping up with the Jones's, having a 200k house, driving a beemer or lexus, and shopping for clothes at saks or Macy's.
People nowadays are too worried about now now now then down the road. Let's hope the recession that we are in now has been a huge wake-up call to these people. If not, tough luck, your stupid as$ deserves what you get.
well said. reminds me of my dad (who i no longer speak w/), he made over like 50k a year, and wasted alot of it on his HARLEY'S. give me a break. just a dumb old man going through a mid life crisis trying to be cool again. a 16,000 dollar motorcycle, brand new. and another one he didnt really even ride much that he put over 10000 into that just sat there.
guess who never saved jack $hit to put me through college?
oh and please no one flame me for that last comment, i think college is very important. i plan on going once i get a bit more financially well-off, and if i have kids, they will be going to, and i'll make it a little easier for them.