check out a certain section in their merchandise section:Q
check out a certain section in their merchandise section:Q
Originally posted by: Czar
check out a certain section in their merchandise section:Q
Originally posted by: Czar
check out a certain section in their merchandise section:Q
Dear Manuela
You poor, poor thing. Your neighbour sounds like one of the most sick and evil people I have ever heard of. It does not surprise me that he is plotting such wicked deviousness as being a homosexual he is evil by nature. It is a well known fact that the minds of homosexuals are twisted and they are capable of committing diabolical acts beyond that of any normal person. How you must long for the glory days of 1933-1945 when the German government made homosexuality illegal.
Originally posted by: Bootprint
Ah, its has to be fake, read this...
Originally posted by: Pliablemoose
Originally posted by: Bootprint
Ah, its has to be fake, read this...
Click on the "application" link, even if this is a parody website, it's crossed the line of good taste
Originally posted by: Bootprint
Ah, its has to be fake, read this...
We are aware that a plane trip to St Egdums' would be arduous and expensive, so the BCC and Dr Pew have a created a special mail order service. All you have to do is to post your son to us in a specially prepared parcel available from the BCC and we will take care of the rest. Make sure you use plenty of bubble wrap and a generous amount of cotton wool. And don't forget the air holes! It might also be an idea to mark you parcel "fragile".