This device cannot start. (Code 10)


Senior member
May 4, 2000
I'm kind getting tired of getting this error for my NVidia GeForce3 Ti200 on my EPoX 8KHA+. I boot into my WinXP Pro and the display starts up with 800x600x4 (yes, 4 bits only). Eventually I try rebooting, remove & reinstall drivers and get it to work. However, today I have already tried many, many times and still couldn't get it to work (in fact, I'm typing this message in 800x600x4).

Interesting enough, I used to have the same problem with my ASUS TUSL2-C i815 + Creative Labs Annihilator2 (GeForce2), but less frequent and one or two reboots would be enough.

I'm using DetonatorXP v23.12.

Does anyone have seen this before? Does anyone know the solution?

Thank you,


Golden Member
Sep 18, 2001
I had the exact same problem with my GTS-V, and it went away when I reseated the card.


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2001
What bios ver. is your motherboard using? What is the agp set to in bios? Do you have irq for agp set in bios? what is your video ram arputer set to in bios (set it to the amount on your card.) Do you have all the shadow things set to disabled in bios? What happens when you do a system restore? Note that system restore may make some of your application installed since the last restore not work!!!

Try that stuff and see what happens.


Senior member
May 4, 2000
I tried leaving the machine turned off for a while and turned it back on again and guess what? It's back to normal ... for a while at least.

CStroman, I tried reseating the card on my old machine and it usually worked, but eventually the problem would come back. Haven't tried with the new machine though.

Willoughbyva, I'm using the latest BIOS from EPoX (1/8/2002). I have an IRQ assigned to my AGP card. AGP Aperture size is set to 128MB. I just checked and I have Shadow Video Ram set to enabled. I'm gonna try disabling it. About system restore, I haven't tried that because I haven't installed any new drivers so I though there was no need for that.

Thank you very much for your help, guys.
I'll let you know.



Aug 2, 2000
I am also having this problem, but I know that it isn't a hardware or bios problem because I have two copies of XP installed. One for gaming and one for everything else and I just use boot magic to boot between them. In gaming mode the video card doesn't have a problem starting (no code 10), but it doesn't keep the refresh rate after I set it (different problem I'll worry about later). But in the other mode (the one I use for productive things) I get code 10 error with the device. I've tried everything I can think of but can't get it to work. I think it must be some reg entry's left over from the old asus 7700 deluxe (geforce 2 gts). BTW I now have a Gainward Ultra 750 4600.

Stuff I've tried...
Restore back to state before the new card was inserted to try different driver versions...
Deleted Nvidia stuff from reg...
Tried different versions of drivers. Nvidia and gainwards.
Uninstalled any asus or nvidia software installed.

BTW I never had this problem with my other geforce 2...

Any ideas? TIA


Aug 2, 2000
After getting home today, I reinstalled my old Asus 7700 Deluxe (Geforce 2 GTS). It redetected it and worked like a champ (an old and slow champ). So I uninstalled the device and any asus/nvidia installed drivers/programs and shut the computer down. Reinstalled the gainward (geforce 4) and booted the computer. Installed the driver and still get code 10... I'm really at the end of my knowledge on this one. I'm going to give it till the weekend and if I can't fix it, I guess I'm going to have to reinstall from scratch. This really sucks and I know it is nvidia's fault! I wish I knew the magic file and/or registery entry to delete!

It would be nice if someone wrote a program that would clean your system of all registery and files associated with nvidia drivers.


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2001
Did anyone ever find a solution to this problem. I am having the same thing, damn code 10.


Senior member
May 4, 2000
I used to have it more frequently. Now it just doesn't happen anymore. Not in the recent past at least.

With the new NVidia drivers available (v28.xx) I'm wondering if I'm going to see them again. I'm afraid to install them because of that.


Bozo Galora

Diamond Member
Oct 28, 1999


this can be a lot of things, so I'll throw out a few guesses.......

The Geforce 4 cards take more juice to get going
some systems (mobo/psu) cant get it up quick enough ;) either at bootup or when going into 3D accelleration:
games or the web. thats why your GF2 works (less voltage stress) and GF4 doesn't. It goes into a kind of
"standard VGA mode" and/or gives you a code 10 cant start this device.
Changing to a much less agressive driver (21.83) sometimes helps.
Using a single stick of 256MB RAM sometimes helps.
Getting a gigantic PSU sometimes helps (550W 480W etc.)
Running the Geforce fan off board sometimes helps.
Gigabyte is offering a turnaround mod to their mobo on this issue.
pressing the reset button BEFORE the post beep holding for a count of five can sometimes gives the system
enough chance to get its act together, or instantly rebooting while posting similarly.

This can also be caused by IRQ conflict, especially with XP and ACPI enabled.
XP often has hidden IRQ assigns because one piece of previously uninstalled device is still left in registry.
Disable Serial/parallel ports to test this.
Changing PCI slots also can help when using unknowingly NON ACPI COMPLIANT cards.

(just a few thoughts)



Junior Member
May 7, 2002
I had the same problem with my new GF4 but it was all the time, not intermittent. Problem went away when I changed the "Memory usage" setting in XP to "Programs" instead of "System cache".

Control Panel > System > Advanced > Performance Settings > Advanced > Memory usage

Why? I don't know.

Good luck.