Now that the Tivo S3 HD is out at a reasonable price of $299, I was thinking of grabbing one on Tax Free weekend this week (+ 10% off coupon at best buy
Right now I'm using the Comcast DVR which likes to freeze up on occassion, and I get a nice ol' letter from Satan saying the price of DVR is going up from 9.95 to 12.95 for no real reason whatsoever. I figure now is as good a time as any. Will I be pleased with what Tivo offers? Is it honestly that big a difference from the ol' motorola POS?
Right now I'm using the Comcast DVR which likes to freeze up on occassion, and I get a nice ol' letter from Satan saying the price of DVR is going up from 9.95 to 12.95 for no real reason whatsoever. I figure now is as good a time as any. Will I be pleased with what Tivo offers? Is it honestly that big a difference from the ol' motorola POS?