Thinking of getting Tivo...


Jun 11, 2004
Now that the Tivo S3 HD is out at a reasonable price of $299, I was thinking of grabbing one on Tax Free weekend this week (+ 10% off coupon at best buy :))

Right now I'm using the Comcast DVR which likes to freeze up on occassion, and I get a nice ol' letter from Satan saying the price of DVR is going up from 9.95 to 12.95 for no real reason whatsoever. I figure now is as good a time as any. Will I be pleased with what Tivo offers? Is it honestly that big a difference from the ol' motorola POS?


Moderator<br>All Things Apple
Jul 19, 2001
Be careful, the cablecard install can be a NIGHTMARE. I had a TivoHD for just a few days and I ended up cancelling the service and returning the unit. Unfortunately cable companies never really taught their installers and phone reps about cable card, as a result I wasted a few days trying to get it to work.

Also, in my case, it was going to cost 2x as much as my cable co dvr... Not including the $275 up front cost of the TivoHD


Nov 23, 2001
I have an original Series 3. Once you have the unit up and running, you will love it, and will wonder what you ever did without it.


Jun 11, 2004
Originally posted by: Kadarin
I have an original Series 3. Once you have the unit up and running, you will love it, and will wonder what you ever did without it.

I sure hope so :)
Nov 5, 2001
I do not have the HD yet, but I do own 2 Tivos. They are fantastic. Let me know if you have any specific questions.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
I've also heard horror stories about the Cablecard install. Apparently QC is terrible and some techs bring 10+ cards to get two functioning ones.

The cable company has no incentive to make the install easy for you because you're not leasing their equipment. I read on another forum where a guy had to take several days off work to wait for the installer and still doesn't have his TivoHD working.

Tivo pricing is really weird now. If you pay monthly, it's $16.95/month with a 1 year commitment (it's $14.95/$12.95 for 2/3 year contracts).

If you prepay, it's $180 for one year, or $300 for three years (the two year plan is actually $300, but there's a "special offer" where you get a year free which they're always running it seems).

Tivo is worth the extra cost in my opinion. I really like Tivo Suggestions plus there's stuff like Amazon Unbox and TivoCast.

Now, Comcast has partnered with Tivo to run Tivo software on their boxes, but I'm pretty sure that's not going to cost the same as a regular DVR rental (come on, it's Comcast). The Comcast DVR with Tivo will probably cost about as much as buying your own, so I'd just go that route.

Just be prepared for Cablecard Install Hell. Do you have someone who can wait at home so you don't have to take off work?