Thinking of a new upgrade build, looking for feedback on a few parts.


Junior Member
Jul 29, 2007
First post, long time lurker here :)

Edit: It occurs to me that I should state my intentions for this computer.

This would be used for both development work, as well as a fair amount of gaming as well.

So I currently have a computer, which I plan to cannibalize for some parts, and need to upgrade the rest.

Notably the Vid Card (8800GTS 640MB), PS (OCZ PowerStream 520), and my HDDs/DVD-RW are staying in with the new build.

I'm currently looking at:

+Core 2 Duo 6750 (or maybe a Quad 6600?)
+XClio WSTL WindTunnel
+XClio Propeller
+2 Gigs Crucial Ballistix Ram
+Gigabyte P35C-DS3R Mobo

I've heard a lot of pros and cons about the XClio cases, I want something moderately quiet, and something with enough space to work in. My last case ( a Sonata II ) is simply too cramped for me to fit anything in.

I'm curious if there is any advantage to going DDR3 yet, I've also read pros and cons, mainly cons because the price is sky-high, but right now I am not seeing a whole lot of motivation to go DDR3 just yet.

The CPU looks good to me, and I plan on a mid-overclock, so looking at a couple cooling solutions, but first I need to get this up and stable, my current computer does not tolerate change well and is highly unstable at times.

Thanks for looking through, I welcome suggestions if people can provide a reason or two behind it that would be excellent.


Senior member
Oct 15, 2006
Okay, lets walk through this.

CPU: We are entering the age of logical gaming, which is more geared towards physics, AI, etc. This requires A LOT of processing power. I read that UT2007 will be supporting up to 5 cores, 1 for physics, 1 for AI, etc. Basically, game logic is being segmented into each core. I have a feeling that this will be the trend for other game developers simply because it is structurally organized. I suggest getting a quad core. Although it isn't entirely needed now for gaming, it certainly will be in the future. (I copied and pasted this from another thread that I posted on so I wouldn't have to type it again :) )

The Q6600 won't overclock as well though and does require more energy to use.

Case: I've never used an XClio before, so I can't rant about that, but I recommend the Thermaltake Armor Tower or Jr. It's a big case that comes with a few fans, and the tower comes with a 240mm fan.

DDR3 isn't worth the price premium right now, go with the Ballistix.

Mobo: Good choice.

I hope this helped,



Senior member
Feb 16, 2007
I agree with airhendrix13 about the TT Armor, nice cases. Some people claim the build quality isn't very good on them but I mean unless you are abusing your case I don't see why they say that. They seem pretty sturdy to me anyway. I find it looks more stylish and eye pleasing than other cases that people recommend anyway. But each person has his own taste.

You might look at the Thermaltake Kandalf which is like the Armor series, except it has closing front doors. Other than that it is practically the same but costs slightly more. That is the one I have and I think TT makes pretty decent cases, though if you're after pure build quality I guess there is better. Personally I like to have a case that I like to look at too though. Oh, and it does have toolless PCI but it is easily removable if you don't like that sorta thing.

As for the memory, don't get DDR3 now, it's really not worth it and you can put the saved money elsewhere or just get twice as much RAM for less money still. I also agree that you should get the Q6600, multi cores is the way of the future and I think that there's really no excuse not to get the Q6600 if you're looking in the price range of it. Most of the big games coming out now will be making use of multi core CPU's.

The Gigabyte P35-DS3R (no firewire, 3 PCI slots), P35-DS3P (firewire, only 2 PCI slots) or Abit IP35 Pro (firewire performance is bad, but includes most other features of the high end boards) all make great boards for the money. Or get the ASUS P5K Deuxe if you're interested in spending slightly more with a sale. A lot of people swear by all of these boards.


Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2007
if you do settle on the Q6600 and do still plan on overclocking, then you'll need at least a Tuniq tower or a Thermalright Ultra-120 Extreme, unless you plan on water-cooling.

and welcome to the forum!


Junior Member
Jul 29, 2007
Hmm so a lot of you are leaning towards the q6600 and of course DDR2 Ram, I can see the logic in that, especially considering how new DDR3 is. Would anyone think it wise to have a combo board, or would the time I want DDR3 be too far out to consider as a valid reason to buy a combo?

Thanks for the info on the TT Armor, I think I will probably head towards that one.

Thanks coldmeat, have you heard anything about the ThermalRight Ultima-90? I always get slightly nervous with humongous heatsinks :)

and thank you for the welcome!