Originally posted by: BurnItDwn
It's quite sad when the strongest "defensive" class in the game is also the strongest offensive class in the game. Don't get me wrong, in november 2004 when Level 60 warriors did 40 DPS I felt sorry for them, but given the amount of +defense they have, the high degree of resists they get, the amount of stamina they have, and the fact that they can use a shield and have tons of extra defensive talents, they shouldn't be in the top 5 DPS classes at all. DPS warrior shouldn't be the damage leater, DPS warrior should be the backup tank doing damage while he's not tanking, they should still do decent damage, but Rogues, Mages, Locks, and Hunters *should* be able to outdamage them.
In my guild raids, the Rogues and hunters can usually claim the top damage spots just because they have good threat reduction and warrior's don't. Yes, our DPS warriors are actually smart enough not to overdamage.