Thinking about trying WoW

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Senior member
Apr 10, 2006
Originally posted by: Fingolfin269
Warlocks are great. I was going to suggest a mage since it is up your dps alley plus they are being reviewed for improvement in the next patch which (usually) means great things for the class.

Which server did you join?

Yeah I love my lil imp pet thing LOL I am on Ligtning's Blade PvP server my char name is Kayos


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: RBachman
Originally posted by: BurnItDwn
It's quite sad when the strongest "defensive" class in the game is also the strongest offensive class in the game. Don't get me wrong, in november 2004 when Level 60 warriors did 40 DPS I felt sorry for them, but given the amount of +defense they have, the high degree of resists they get, the amount of stamina they have, and the fact that they can use a shield and have tons of extra defensive talents, they shouldn't be in the top 5 DPS classes at all. DPS warrior shouldn't be the damage leater, DPS warrior should be the backup tank doing damage while he's not tanking, they should still do decent damage, but Rogues, Mages, Locks, and Hunters *should* be able to outdamage them.

In my guild raids, the Rogues and hunters can usually claim the top damage spots just because they have good threat reduction and warrior's don't. Yes, our DPS warriors are actually smart enough not to overdamage.
Warriors don't have to worry about aggro anymore - Link.

And I agree, Blizzard has poured gasoline all over the idea of class balance and touched a match to it. It's amazing that nothing better is currently available.

Yea, I've seen that .... however, I'm on one of those realms where progression has been slow. We had 1 guild doing AQ40 regularly when the gates were opened. Within a week, they were at the twin emps, but then after a few weeks of trying, the guild sort of fell apart. Currently on my realm, there's only 1 horde guild and 2 alliance that have made any progress in AQ40. The horde guild is on the twin emps now. The alliance guilds are behind. My guild just killed rags for the first time about 2 months ago. We've killed everything up to Chromag. We got chromag to 19%, but the tanks and hunters were out of sand. (After we killed Vael, we made it right to chromag in under a weeks time.)


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: 6StringSamurai

Bought the game.
Rolled on PvP server with friend that has a 60 on there.
Undead Warlock.
Love it.

I play alliance on a carebear server (friends from IRL play there, so I joined them as they helped me get started a bit)
my main raiding toon is a level 60 Druid, but I've got a 45 lock that I just love to play. Those guys are a lot of fun. Undead locks are especially cool, since you get WotF as well as look evil rather then being a silly midget or human.

EDIT: Warlocks DPS can surpass mages etc. We were screwing around in BWL last night and all of the warlocks were hellfiring like crazy in the Supression room. Sure they needed a little bit of healing, but they were just annihilating stuff.


Golden Member
May 3, 2005
Rogues>Mages>Locks/Hunters For RAID DPS. Obiviously we aren't talking pvp stunlock rogues but full blown Brut Blade or better combat rogues. Geared up Frost mages, (cough Ice Block FTW cough), followed by a lock or a hunter who's on top of their game.

Normally you won't see a lock or a hunter hit our charts unless they been there for most of the raid, or there is a need for AoE. As locks can take some serious punishment with their high HP. I think fear is much better pvp than roots or slows, along with the locks ability to do some self healing makes the lock the better PvP choice. Though mages seem to have very high consistant DPS when they don't have agro.

Also, go to Curse-Gaming and check out the mods you can use to refine the interface. You'll get hooked on making the perfect interface as well. Which is one of the games *very* strong points.

As for horde or alliance, I see horde tends to help out more overall. I've had less issues finding sensible guilds and people to run instances. Of course there is Barrens chat to bring back the balance...but take the good with the bad I suppose. Oh, and you get better quest items as horde too. ;) Plus seriously whats up with the warchiefs blessing? That buff is nuts, and horde only. You can get the ony buff and the warchiefs buff and everyone almost has slice and dice for an hour. :shocked:


Golden Member
Jan 15, 2006
Originally posted by: 6StringSamurai

Bought the game.
Rolled on PvP server with friend that has a 60 on there.
Undead Warlock.
Love it.

make sure you sign up for 3 month or 6 month pay. Save you some money.
I've never seen anyone who quit in less than 4 month.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Originally posted by: TGS
Rogues>Mages>Locks/Hunters For RAID DPS. Obiviously we aren't talking pvp stunlock rogues but full blown Brut Blade or better combat rogues. Geared up Frost mages, (cough Ice Block FTW cough), followed by a lock or a hunter who's on top of their game.
Originally posted by: CVSiN
rogue is still the highest DPS class.
Nope, even at "casual 60", dps-focused warriors are in the mix. When they get one of the many, many, many weapons available to them via raiding they usurp the top spots. Likewise, as other classes gear up and their spells and skills scale with their gear, rogue damage is stagnant; eviscerate does the same damage regardless of weapon and gear, affected only by crit %. Warrior itemization in this game is ridiculous, it's as if they scrapped 80% of the ideas for gear for other classes and gave the sum total to warriors instead.

This damage output is especially true with the new warrior fad - the fury/prot build. With 31 in fury and a pair of decent 1handers they can match equally-geared rogue damage, and the 15 in prot allows them to tank quite effectively.


Platinum Member
Feb 15, 2005
Originally posted by: 6StringSamurai

Bought the game.
Rolled on PvP server with friend that has a 60 on there.
Undead Warlock.
Love it.



Golden Member
May 3, 2005
Originally posted by: RBachman
Originally posted by: TGS
Rogues>Mages>Locks/Hunters For RAID DPS. Obiviously we aren't talking pvp stunlock rogues but full blown Brut Blade or better combat rogues. Geared up Frost mages, (cough Ice Block FTW cough), followed by a lock or a hunter who's on top of their game.
Originally posted by: CVSiN
rogue is still the highest DPS class.
Nope, even at "casual 60", dps-focused warriors are in the mix. When they get one of the many, many, many weapons available to them via raiding they usurp the top spots. Likewise, as other classes gear up and their spells and skills scale with their gear, rogue damage is stagnant; eviscerate does the same damage regardless of weapon and gear, affected only by crit %. Warrior itemization in this game is ridiculous, it's as if they scrapped 80% of the ideas for gear for other classes and gave the sum total to warriors instead.

This damage output is especially true with the new warrior fad - the fury/prot build. With 31 in fury and a pair of decent 1handers they can match equally-geared rogue damage, and the 15 in prot allows them to tank quite effectively.

I agree, but in our raids there were no dps wars. For me I've got a 44 fury war from a while back. Nobody, or at least not many people know what a fury war is capable of. Though I would have to weigh out going prot over arms. I like the bigger crit range and dots that arms give. While not as good as a two hander, you could flip to a two hander after a flurry proc or rage dump with slam. I wouldn't count out warriors for dps, it's just generally accepted that they will be tanking first and doing dps second. Whereas a hunter, mage, rogue, or lock are damage first with mixed CC for hunters and mages. Where the rogue gets hurt is in PvE they do great damage but their secondary abilities, IE stealth and stuns have very little to play in most boss fights. Sheeps and decurses can make or break some of the MC fights at least. Whereas you could spec a priest for shadow and do stupid dps while healing 20-30% of their party from that same dps.

I mean other than stunning the sons of flame, is there much use for stunlock in MC at all?


Also in skill scaling, like evis versus execute there is *no* comparison. Execute does the same damage based on total rage. So you could execute from a one-hander just as hard as a two. So when the boss hits 20% the warriors start doing crazy damage, where the rogue is still waiting every four seconds to drop one sinister or six for a backstab...

And in PvP if you fight a warrior with lots of rage, consider that a 20% debuff to HP. :)


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2001
To the OP.

After reading your post, I'd suggest going with a warrior. That way you can make a DPS warrior, but also have the future option to be a main tank (providing you spec right and get the gear for it). You will then be highly desirable by end-game guilds.

I also highly suggest checking out a few forums before choosing your final home. If you like PvE, then I suggest either a full PvE server, or a PvP server with a number of PvE centric guilds. I always go PvP, but prefer PvE. I choose PvP realms because they offer more variety of people, though some are punk kids that drive me crazy... The new RP-PVP realms tend to have a more mature player base.

Do NOT join an old realm. You will find yourself WAY behind everyone else. Go with a new realm if you can. Blizzard added a few realms a month or so ago.


Nov 29, 1999
Originally posted by: Cheetah8799

Do NOT join an old realm. You will find yourself WAY behind everyone else. Go with a new realm if you can. Blizzard added a few realms a month or so ago.
I never did understand this logic. How can your Level 1 character be more behind on a older server vs a newer one? :confused:

I mean, sure, you probably won't be the first to down a major boss or open the AQ gates, or what-have-you, but who cares about that stuff, really?


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
"generally accepted that [warriors] will be tanking first and doing dps second"

Once upon a time, perhaps. Things have changed.

Btw stunning the sons is a waste for the most part, energy is much better used to damage them & thus drop them faster.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
Originally posted by: Cheetah8799

Do NOT join an old realm. You will find yourself WAY behind everyone else. Go with a new realm if you can. Blizzard added a few realms a month or so ago.
I never did understand this logic. How can your Level 1 character be more behind on a older server vs a newer one? :confused:

I mean, sure, you probably won't be the first to down a major boss or open the AQ gates, or what-have-you, but who cares about that stuff, really?

Generally comes down to group availability at lower levels


Golden Member
May 3, 2005
Originally posted by: RBachman
"generally accepted that [warriors] will be tanking first and doing dps second"

Once upon a time, perhaps. Things have changed.

Btw stunning the sons is a waste for the most part, energy is much better used to damage them & thus drop them faster.

That's what I'm saying... the magic formula for downing bosses has always been. More DPS and More healing seem to be the magic bullet to most people. It's seemingly more useful in most fights to just DPS over stuns, adding in raids that stealth is pointless serves to only marginalize the aspects a rogue brings to the table. Now on the otherhand for pvp where stealth can get you to the flag, or capture an area, eliminate healers in the back, or neutralize an enemy defender. Rogues bring a decent amount of damage to the table but a stupidly low level of survivability in boss fights. When a rogue agros on a boss, chances are unless he vanishes or feints immediately they are going to die about as fast as a mage in melee would. Though for frost spec at least, you can ice block off that agro, possibly even twice if you picked up cold snap. For my raids If you weren't a tank or party of the main healing group you just wouldn't get heals. Everyone needs to take a few seconds to back up and banadage to conserve the healers mana for those that have agro.

So it really depends. If you want more raid DPS go with a warrior, regardless of what people say Main Tanks or a reliable off tank are *always* in demand. Rogues on the otherhand seem fairly stingy about more rogues joining raids. I've never seen a complaint with 5-6 warriors. But once you see more than 4-5 rogues, people start to get a bit testy. :)



Senior member
Mar 21, 2005
Another reason why I don't see the appeal of raiding. I'd take a rogue over a second warrior in a 5-man any day because in those situations they bring so much more to the table than DPS.

The raiders love to talk about the complexity of the encounters, but the roles of the players themselves get pigeon-holed and dumbed down to such a degree I don't find it enjoyable. Honestly, the first thing I ever heard when I zoned into a raid was "shaman, don't do anything but heal and drop totems". Hard pill to swallow when you enjoy the other aspects of the class.


Golden Member
May 3, 2005
Originally posted by: DirthNader
Another reason why I don't see the appeal of raiding. I'd take a rogue over a second warrior in a 5-man any day because in those situations they bring so much more to the table than DPS.

The raiders love to talk about the complexity of the encounters, but the roles of the players themselves get pigeon-holed and dumbed down to such a degree I don't find it enjoyable. Honestly, the first thing I ever heard when I zoned into a raid was "shaman, don't do anything but heal and drop totems". Hard pill to swallow when you enjoy the other aspects of the class.

That's because a rogue can off-tank in a 5 man. Hunters or shaman can offtank in a 5 man as well though. When was the last time someone called to sap a core hound? Rogue fit more into a small to medium sized instance or pvp environment, as it's the nature of their stealth and up front based damage setup. In raids you could easily swap out a really great geared combat rogue with a really great geared dps warrior, and have nearly the same result. Though to say, hey roll a warrior on the basis that when you finally hit MC/BWL/AQ you will realize you full potential. When a rogue for most of the game, up into the very late stages only due to skills not scaling like warriors do you see the stealth and CC options a rogue brings to the table outshined by straight dps and more survivability. Most people want want to spend a great amount of time raiding, and be more than satisfied to run some 5-10 man content. In that regard I would recommend a rogue, hunter, or a mage for dps classes. They bring more pve friendly things to the table. Though they also do well in pvp.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Originally posted by: TGS
Originally posted by: DirthNader
Another reason why I don't see the appeal of raiding. I'd take a rogue over a second warrior in a 5-man any day because in those situations they bring so much more to the table than DPS.

The raiders love to talk about the complexity of the encounters, but the roles of the players themselves get pigeon-holed and dumbed down to such a degree I don't find it enjoyable. Honestly, the first thing I ever heard when I zoned into a raid was "shaman, don't do anything but heal and drop totems". Hard pill to swallow when you enjoy the other aspects of the class.

That's because a rogue can off-tank in a 5 man. Hunters or shaman can offtank in a 5 man as well though. When was the last time someone called to sap a core hound? Rogue fit more into a small to medium sized instance or pvp environment, as it's the nature of their stealth and up front based damage setup. In raids you could easily swap out a really great geared combat rogue with a really great geared dps warrior, and have nearly the same result. Though to say, hey roll a warrior on the basis that when you finally hit MC/BWL/AQ you will realize you full potential. When a rogue for most of the game, up into the very late stages only due to skills not scaling like warriors do you see the stealth and CC options a rogue brings to the table outshined by straight dps and more survivability. Most people want want to spend a great amount of time raiding, and be more than satisfied to run some 5-10 man content. In that regard I would recommend a rogue, hunter, or a mage for dps classes. They bring more pve friendly things to the table. Though they also do well in pvp.

Dirthnader nailed it on the head in my opinion. You had some good info too TGS.



Senior member
Nov 15, 2004
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
I never did understand this logic. How can your Level 1 character be more behind on a older server vs a newer one? :confused:

I mean, sure, you probably won't be the first to down a major boss or open the AQ gates, or what-have-you, but who cares about that stuff, really?

Levels aren't very meaningful. You're behind because they have 18 months invested to your 1 week.

That's a lot more loot saturation, fewer players levelling up, and as you mentioned, minimal chances to be part of 'server-firsts'; which for me is definately a cool feeling.


Feb 28, 2003
Originally posted by: wb182
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
I never did understand this logic. How can your Level 1 character be more behind on a older server vs a newer one? :confused:

I mean, sure, you probably won't be the first to down a major boss or open the AQ gates, or what-have-you, but who cares about that stuff, really?

Levels aren't very meaningful. You're behind because they have 18 months invested to your 1 week.

That's a lot more loot saturation, fewer players levelling up, and as you mentioned, minimal chances to be part of 'server-firsts'; which for me is definately a cool feeling.

And, if you're on a PvP server, you will get ganked more often on an old server than on a new because you have a lot more bored level 60 players. Want to be annoyed? Get ganked inside of a place like Freewind Post and watch the person who ganked you get attacked by all of the guards and not die. It's a lot of fun. :)