Thinking about trying WoW


Senior member
Apr 10, 2006
I want posts relating to the gameplay only, none of this "Your wasting your life" etc comments thanks.

What I want to know is why you like WoW, what does it do better/worse than previous mmorpgs.

Also, server choices? How is the PvP? What is the highest DPS class currently (sorry thats what I always have played.. Master TKA in SWG and Wizard/Ranger in Eq2

Thanks for your time.


Senior member
Mar 21, 2005
Depends on what you're used to in SWG. Pre-CU, I think SWG was a bit more complex. The CU was essentially SOE trying to throw a SWG skin over their version of WoW, so if that's what you're used to it won't be much of a transition (I played the CU for about a week, then moved to Warcraft - my first days with that were spent thinking "so that's what SOE was trying to copy").


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001

Save youself now from the 1 hour + to log in, the wasting umpteen hours waiting for a raid group just to waste umpteen more hours in a pathetic instance.

No. Go out, feel the sunlight on your skin. Find the carnal pleasures known to mankind.


Nov 29, 1999

The interface is sublime. So is the overall visual quality.

The depth.. is a bit shallower than other MMORPGs, which keeps the game light and fun, but many get bored with the weak professions, etc.

I play PvE, as I hear PvP servers can be lame gank-fests at early levels, then dissappears at later levels with BGs, so you might as well roll on a PvE/RPG server from the beginning.

All things equal (gear, etc) I think Mages are *the* DPS class right now. Fury/Arms Warriors are up there, too, but most servers have way too many of these guys. Rogues should be the ultimate DPS class, but they are still pretty gimped right now. A properly specced and played Warlock can do some good damage, as can a Marksman Hunter.

I suggest playing Horde. I like my Dwarf, but as I understand it, Horde seems to be, on average, a more mature, closer-knit community. Whatever you do, don't roll a Night Elf Hunter named "Xlegxoxlasx" or some crap. Or a NE Rogue. Or an Undead Rogue. On many servers, the Night Elf population alone outnumbers the entire Horde.

Roll a Druid - no one every plays a druid, and they can be pretty sweet. ;)

I simply suggest playing the game at your own pace and enjoying it. Don't try to powerlevel you character to 60 as fast a possible. There are tons and tons and tons of 1-59 quests out there with nice story arcs, backgrounds, surprises, emotions, etc.

As as far as server problmes, they are hit and miss. My server (Shadowsong - PST - PvE) was starting to experience lots of problems and queues on weekends, but then they opened server transfers, a ton of people left, and the server has been near-perfect ever since. No queues, no lag, no downtime. I've also started a new guild on Shadowsong (alliance) for my alts and the alts of a few others - so if you wanted to play with us (nights - 8-12 CST), you'd be mroe than welcome and not really "behind" at all.


Platinum Member
Feb 15, 2005
I agree with ckGunslinger. WoW's interface is second to none, both in terms of ease of use and power. It's intuitive to the max. And you can customize it in amazing ways thanks to the game's being so mod friendly. And it also looks great; WoW oozess style.

The classes are very balanced at this point, I believe. Probably the best all-around class right now are hunters, both in PvP and PvE. Not only are they the fastest leveling class, they have insane damage is specced/geared right, can shoot from 41 yards, have cool (and annoying!) pets that can offtank decently and very high survivability in spite of their high DPS. Be warned though that hunters are the most played class in most servers, and that most hunters do suck (z0MG meelee hnutner lolz!!!111 :laugh: ), so it can sometimes get a bit hard to find a group.

Oh, and play horde :)

I personally enjoy PvP and thus play in PvP servers; if you don't want to get ganked there's always PvE servers though.


Senior member
Apr 10, 2006
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger

The interface is sublime. So is the overall visual quality.

The depth.. is a bit shallower than other MMORPGs, which keeps the game light and fun, but many get bored with the weak professions, etc.

I play PvE, as I hear PvP servers can be lame gank-fests at early levels, then dissappear at later levels with BGs, so you might as well roll on a PvE/RPG for the beginning.

All things equal (gear, etc) I think Mages are *the* DPS class right now. Fury/Arms Warriors are up there, too, but most servers have way too many of these guys. Rogues should be the ultimate DPS class, but they are still pretty gimped right now. A properly specced and played Warlock can do some good damage, as can a Marksman Hunter.

I suggest playing Horde. I like my Dwarf, but as I understand it, Horde seems to be, on average, a more mature, closer-knit community. Whatever you do, don't roll a Night Elf Hunter named "Xlegxoxlasx" or some crap. Or a NE Rogue. Or an Undead Rogue. Roll a Druid - no one every plays a druid. ;)

HaHa great post, exactly the type of information that I was looking for. What server are you on, I am going to go pick this up tonight at the local BB and give it a whirl.

Mainly I want something as a good alternative to Battlefield2 something that I can have some fun at solo and in groups, basically something not insanely indepth but not childishly simple either....thanks for the responses everyone.



No Lifer
Aug 28, 2001
Mages do ridiculous damage... I've grouped with them with a warrior and my rogue and they often do 33%+ damage out of a 5-man group. 2nd would be a warrior/rogue at around 23% of the damage. This has been my experience through many groups.

As for hunters - can't stand them... the feign death thing as well as having a pet take their damage... it just irks me.

As for PVP... I'm on alliance and having a 3:1 ratio or thereabout helps in keeping from getting ganked... I'm 5 up and 1 down in that category... don't come across Horde all that often on my PVP server while just trying to level... this is even at the 40+ levels.


Senior member
Mar 21, 2005
Originally posted by: 6StringSamurai
I hated SWG after the CU, and thats what WOW is like SWG after the CU????

It carries many of the same aspects: combat based primarily on level (you won't be solo killing groups of red-con enemies), wind-up / cool-down mechanics, single-pool health, etc.

It makes up for it with instanced content that's scripted to a degree SWG could never dream of, and group dynamics that actually give every class a role (although the dps roles are starting to step all over each other as the poster above mentioned).

If you play it casually, you'll never see the raid content but you'll also enjoy a lot of fun instanced content. If you blow through the early levels in a race to get a maximum level character the way we used to when we respecced in SWG, you'll miss a huge amount of content.

If you play it, take your time and enjoy the ride. Don't skip any of the instances, and don't get caught up in a race to get to level 60.


Platinum Member
Feb 15, 2005
Originally posted by: rh71
Mages do ridiculous damage... I've grouped with them with a warrior and my rogue and they often do 33%+ damage out of a 5-man group. 2nd would be a warrior/rogue at around 23% of the damage. This has been my experience through many groups.

As for hunters - can't stand them... the feign death thing as well as having a pet take their damage... it just irks me.

Yeah, although Mages have the highest damage potential it is seldom realized, specially in 20 man groups or higher because they have no way of dumping aggro, and have such low survivability, whereas hunters can feign death, wear mail, can kite like there's no tomorrow and have pets with 5000 armor to boot.



Senior member
Apr 10, 2006
Awesome responses guys, and yes in EQ2 I did get caught up in the level as fast as I can omg must reach next level and to hell with the content I am missing. That being said It sounds like WoW will be right up my alley, I simply want something the gf and I can hang out follow the story line, running quests together etc... thanks again for your replies, def going to go buy the game tonight..


Nov 29, 1999
Originally posted by: Noema
Originally posted by: rh71
Mages do ridiculous damage... I've grouped with them with a warrior and my rogue and they often do 33%+ damage out of a 5-man group. 2nd would be a warrior/rogue at around 23% of the damage. This has been my experience through many groups.

As for hunters - can't stand them... the feign death thing as well as having a pet take their damage... it just irks me.

Yeah, although Mages have the highest damage potential it is seldom realized, specially in 20 man groups or higher because they have no way of dumping aggro, and have such low survivability, whereas hunters can feign death, wear mail, can kite like there's no tomorrow and have pets with 5000 armor to boot.
Our mages always led the DPS meter in ZG (20-man,) even with the added responsibilty of sheeping mobs, with relatively few deaths. The key is simply letting your tank build inital-aggro.

And trust me, while that mail is certainly better than cloth, in high-end instances you still are often 2-3 shotted by mobs, especially since Hunters are at the bottom of the "heal-me" list. And you don't kite in instances, at least not to kill (UBRS - Drak.) And your pets are only there for a DPS boost, not tanking. It takes a *lot* of work to be a successful group hunter. They excel at solo-play and PvP, but a raid-Hunter is not "easy-mode" by any stretch.


Junior Member
Jan 12, 2006
I decided last night I am officially done with WoW. For the second and last time. I just don't consistently have blocks of 3+ hours to dedicate to the game, which seems to be what it takes at lvl 60. Ah well, it's been a fun ride.


Senior member
Apr 10, 2006
Originally posted by: wowway1
I decided last night I am officially done with WoW. For the second and last time. I just don't consistently have blocks of 3+ hours to dedicate to the game, which seems to be what it takes at lvl 60. Ah well, it's been a fun ride.

Thanks for your informative post that was completely relevent to the topic that was given for discussion. You quitting has immensly impacted my view of the game and whether or not I will now purchase it. :disgust:


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
pretty much what everyone said, the games is really fvcking fun, the interface is godly, if you roll on a new or newer server you will have NO wait for logins, i currently play on the 6th least populated US WoW server (Chromaggus), theres less then 6000 people on the whole thing, the bigger ones have more then 2x that, horde to ali ratio is like 1.1:1, AQ gates just opened on sunday, BG times are always short and aside from the random server crash all is good

RPGPVP servers do happen to weed out most of the 12 year old carebears but then you get the RPG weeirdos haveing sex in the deeprun tram, and there are just as many immature players on the horde side as there are on the ali side


Platinum Member
Aug 31, 2000
At the end game, Rogues and Warriors to more dmg than mages. If a mage is leading a damage meter that just means that your rogues and dps warriors are lazy. By end game I mean people geared with BWL loot.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Coming from SOE, you'll remark at how well Blizzard treats its customers, simply because they don't bend you over and have their way without you at every opportunity. My experiences with Sony, both electronics and SOE games, and the recent discovery of the rootkits their CDs install, has led me to boycott the company. I really wish more would do the same, but... people are stupid :(

Anyway, others have pretty much said what's to be said about it.

The interface is beautiful. Elegant, powerful, and from the very beginning of beta extremely supportive of third-party addons.

The game isn't as deep and immersive as other games; this is by design. Personally I'd rather have something deeper, but I can't fault Blizzard for targeting a demographic I'm not a part of.

I think the PvP is pretty good. I've never been much a fan of a ruleset allowing Little Timmy to sit around and grief you all day because he gets teased in school, and so I roll on PvE servers. But even on PvE servers there are the PvP Battlegrounds, instances which you enter by choice for team PvP. There are objectives and rewards, it's not just boring back & forth killing.

The servers have been awful from day one; incredibly laggy and riddled with connectivity issues. Recently it's gotten much better. They allowed transfers from my server to a new one; I left one main, and transferred my other main and my alts. The original server was also "Migrated" (don't ask, no clue), which took around 24 hours of downtime. Since then the lag has been virtually nonexistent, quite a change from the usual. Pings have also plummeted. The new server, after a few hiccups, has been flawless as well.

Blizzard has a terrible attitude toward bugs. Game breaking ones may take a month or more to fix. Merely "annoying" ones may never be fixed. The game has a lot of line of sight issues for healers which have never been addressed, pets see stealthed characters and can attack them, again an admitted bug but never fixed. Mobs on an incline can go into "evade" mode, in which they instantly regen to full hp and are untouchable, but can still hit you. This one's been live for a year now. And those are just a few examples off the top of my head.

The playerbase is immature, there's no denying this. But there are good people playing as well. Finding a decent guild is integral to enjoying the game if you're older than 12. Once you find one, you can leave the general chat and looking for group channels, possibly trade as well, and you wouldn't even know there are 12 year olds playing. Download the Infinite Ignore addon from (because the default 25 ignore slots aren't nearly enough) to catch any of the lil ones who slip past the goalie. The horde tends to be far more mature than the alliance, but they're also vastly outnumbered. This is good for battlegrounds; no lines to wait on for PvP. But it can make finding groups & guilds difficult, especially on low-pop servers where the horde is like a small town where everyone knows each other; guilds may simply not have an opening for your class (and if you want to play a dps class as you alluded in your OP, it'll be even more difficult).

At "casual" 60 (doing the 5man instances and the 10man one) rogues top damage meters. As you progress in end-game and begin doing 20-40 man raids and gearing up from them, rogue skills don't scale with gear - and very few rogue weapons drop - the few that do are often sidegrades, rather than upgrades, aka DFB. Fantastic warrior weapons are everywhere though, if you stand around one will pretty much fall into your lap. Additionally, much of the more difficult to obtain rogue armor is a downgrade from its more easily obtainable counterpart, and some is a sidegrade. Very little is actually better. (Compare tier 1 Nightslayer to tier 2 Bloodfang). In end-game, warriors dominate damage meters. It's utter bullsh!t, but Blizzard doesn't seem to care. Rogues are allowed to attend raids only because of social ties; otherwise we do nothing warriors can't do better.

Single group content is extremely stagnant. Blizzard hired Tigole, responsible for post-PoP EQ's raidfest atmosphere, as their lead content designer. Every patch brings with it a new 40man raid, more rogue nerfs, more bugs and a mountainous rep (faction) grind. If you're a more casual player you'll be fine, but if you devote a moderate-high amount of time to your gaming you'll have to be a fan of the gaming experience Tigole brings to the table.

At the end of the day, it's the best MMOG available, but I'll leave in a heartbeat when Vanguard is released.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2003
Originally posted by: benchiu
At the end game, Rogues and Warriors to more dmg than mages. If a mage is leading a damage meter that just means that your rogues and dps warriors are lazy. By end game I mean people geared with BWL loot.

Wait untill you need some AOE ;)


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: RBachman
Coming from SOE, you'll remark at how well Blizzard treats its customers, simply because they don't bend you over and have their way without you at every opportunity. My experiences with Sony, both electronics and SOE games, and the recent discovery of the rootkits their CDs install, has led me to boycott the company. I really wish more would do the same, but... people are stupid :(

Anyway, others have pretty much said what's to be said about it.

The interface is beautiful. Elegant, powerful, and from the very beginning of beta extremely supportive of third-party addons.

The game isn't as deep and immersive as other games; this is by design. Personally I'd rather have something deeper, but I can't fault Blizzard for targeting a demographic I'm not a part of.

I think the PvP is pretty good. I've never been much a fan of a ruleset allowing Little Timmy to sit around and grief you all day because he gets teased in school, and so I roll on PvE servers. But even on PvE servers there are the PvP Battlegrounds, instances which you enter by choice for team PvP. There are objectives and rewards, it's not just boring back & forth killing.

The servers have been awful from day one; incredibly laggy and riddled with connectivity issues. Recently it's gotten much better. They allowed transfers from my server to a new one; I left one main, and transferred my other main and my alts. The original server was also "Migrated" (don't ask, no clue), which took around 24 hours of downtime. Since then the lag has been virtually nonexistent, quite a change from the usual. Pings have also plummeted. The new server, after a few hiccups, has been flawless as well.

Blizzard has a terrible attitude toward bugs. Game breaking ones may take a month or more to fix. Merely "annoying" ones may never be fixed. The game has a lot of line of sight issues for healers which have never been addressed, pets see stealthed characters and can attack them, again an admitted bug but never fixed. Mobs on an incline can go into "evade" mode, in which they instantly regen to full hp and are untouchable, but can still hit you. This one's been live for a year now. And those are just a few examples off the top of my head.

The playerbase is immature, there's no denying this. But there are good people playing as well. Finding a decent guild is integral to enjoying the game if you're older than 12. Once you find one, you can leave the general chat and looking for group channels, possibly trade as well, and you wouldn't even know there are 12 year olds playing. Download the Infinite Ignore addon from (because the default 25 ignore slots aren't nearly enough) to catch any of the lil ones who slip past the goalie. The horde tends to be far more mature than the alliance, but they're also vastly outnumbered. This is good for battlegrounds; no lines to wait on for PvP. But it can make finding groups & guilds difficult, especially on low-pop servers where the horde is like a small town where everyone knows each other; guilds may simply not have an opening for your class (and if you want to play a dps class as you alluded in your OP, it'll be even more difficult).

At "casual" 60 (doing the 5man instances and the 10man one) rogues top damage meters. As you progress in end-game and begin doing 20-40 man raids and gearing up from them, rogue skills don't scale with gear - and very few rogue weapons drop - the few that do are often sidegrades, rather than upgrades, aka DFB. Fantastic warrior weapons are everywhere though, if you stand around one will pretty much fall into your lap. Additionally, much of the more difficult to obtain rogue armor is a downgrade from its more easily obtainable counterpart, and some is a sidegrade. Very little is actually better. (Compare tier 1 Nightslayer to tier 2 Bloodfang). In end-game, warriors dominate damage meters. It's utter bullsh!t, but Blizzard doesn't seem to care. Rogues are allowed to attend raids only because of social ties; otherwise we do nothing warriors can't do better.

Single group content is extremely stagnant. Blizzard hired Tigole, responsible for post-PoP EQ's raidfest atmosphere, as their lead content designer. Every patch brings with it a new 40man raid, more rogue nerfs, more bugs and a mountainous rep (faction) grind. If you're a more casual player you'll be fine, but if you devote a moderate-high amount of time to your gaming you'll have to be a fan of the gaming experience Tigole brings to the table.

At the end of the day, it's the best MMOG available, but I'll leave in a heartbeat when Vanguard is released.

It's quite sad when the strongest "defensive" class in the game is also the strongest offensive class in the game. Don't get me wrong, in november 2004 when Level 60 warriors did 40 DPS I felt sorry for them, but given the amount of +defense they have, the high degree of resists they get, the amount of stamina they have, and the fact that they can use a shield and have tons of extra defensive talents, they shouldn't be in the top 5 DPS classes at all. DPS warrior shouldn't be the damage leater, DPS warrior should be the backup tank doing damage while he's not tanking, they should still do decent damage, but Rogues, Mages, Locks, and Hunters *should* be able to outdamage them.

In my guild raids, the Rogues and hunters can usually claim the top damage spots just because they have good threat reduction and warrior's don't. Yes, our DPS warriors are actually smart enough not to overdamage.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Originally posted by: BurnItDwn
It's quite sad when the strongest "defensive" class in the game is also the strongest offensive class in the game. Don't get me wrong, in november 2004 when Level 60 warriors did 40 DPS I felt sorry for them, but given the amount of +defense they have, the high degree of resists they get, the amount of stamina they have, and the fact that they can use a shield and have tons of extra defensive talents, they shouldn't be in the top 5 DPS classes at all. DPS warrior shouldn't be the damage leater, DPS warrior should be the backup tank doing damage while he's not tanking, they should still do decent damage, but Rogues, Mages, Locks, and Hunters *should* be able to outdamage them.

In my guild raids, the Rogues and hunters can usually claim the top damage spots just because they have good threat reduction and warrior's don't. Yes, our DPS warriors are actually smart enough not to overdamage.
Warriors don't have to worry about aggro anymore - Link.

And I agree, Blizzard has poured gasoline all over the idea of class balance and touched a match to it. It's amazing that nothing better is currently available.


Jan 23, 2001
No real argument against wow for someone looking for a new mmorpg. You will reach 60 within a few months time, just in time for the expansion that raises the level to 70.


Senior member
Apr 10, 2006

Bought the game.
Rolled on PvP server with friend that has a 60 on there.
Undead Warlock.
Love it.


Feb 28, 2003
Warlocks are great. I was going to suggest a mage since it is up your dps alley plus they are being reviewed for improvement in the next patch which (usually) means great things for the class.

Which server did you join?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
Originally posted by: 6StringSamurai
I want posts relating to the gameplay only, none of this "Your wasting your life" etc comments thanks.

What I want to know is why you like WoW, what does it do better/worse than previous mmorpgs.

Also, server choices? How is the PvP? What is the highest DPS class currently (sorry thats what I always have played.. Master TKA in SWG and Wizard/Ranger in Eq2

Thanks for your time.

I still love WoW way better than SWG and EQ2..
rogue is still the highest DPS class.