Thinking about getting a pet...not sure if it's a good idea...


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2006
Ok here's the situation. I'm in a LDR since 2009 so me and my gf are seeing each other from friday through sunday. So from sunday night till friday night i'm alone at home. I see friends 2-3 times a week though so it's not a matter of feeling lonely.

But I always wanted a dog...but being the lazy bastard I am I always washed the idea away. I then thought about a cat but not sure either even though we could have the same "i don't care" attitude towards each other.

But I started to check dogs again and found some really cool and calm species. I really dig the Hongarian and Dutch (short hair) shepherds, great looking dogs.

Dutch Shepherd


Hongarian Shepherd


I'd like a quiet dog that don't yap indefinetely at people and is calm and affectuous. It'd also be a nice way to get out a bit more and enjoy a walk with it.

I'd like to gather tips and insights from you dog owners, how hard is it to train it, what expenses should I look for. I'm also looking for a dog that doesn't mind being alone and won't shit all over the place since i'm working from 8 to 5 all week and I'll be alone 2 weekends a month...


Hugo Drax

Diamond Member
Nov 20, 2011
Curious where you live, is there a lack of women? Have you thought of dating the days she is not there, you would be surprised and find yourself a match in your neighborhood.

Dont get a Pet if your lazy. Owning a pet has responsibilities and expenses involved.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 1999
Go to the pound and find an adult that is already past the crazy pita puppy/juvenile stage and skip right to the calm easy going adult stage. Something in the two year old or older range. Makes your life a lot easier especially with your schedule. Don't worry so much about the breed and just find one with the right personality. A lot of them come trained already by their previous owners which also makes life a lot easier. If you go with a rescue that uses fosters that keep the dogs in their own house then you can really get an idea of how they will behave and their training. Planning to take the dog with you when you go visit the girlfriend?


Feb 18, 2004
if you'll be leaving the dog alone for 2-3 days every other week, it may not be the right pet for you.

to the extent that I've known dogs who were OK being left alone for a bit, I've never known any who were left alone for that long without causing destruction (if not while you're gone, as revenge for being away when you get back).


May 17, 2008
If you think it's a bad idea.. Then it is. If you like to travel, or find yourself away from the home for more than 10+ hours at a time, don't get a dog. A cat will be better.. But cats destroy shit.


Sep 4, 2006
Curious where you live, is there a lack of women? Have you thought of dating the days she is not there, you would be surprised and find yourself a match in your neighborhood.

Dont get a Pet if your lazy. Owning a pet has responsibilities and expenses involved.

Yeah... lots of this.

OP, you don't sound like you're a good candidate for dog ownership. There is nothing wrong with being the only person in the house and having a dog. There is a problem when you're going to be leaving it alone for extended periods and not treating the dog properly with attention, love, and care. (All of which you will likely lack)

I've wanted a dog too and would really like to get one when I move into my next place, but I've postponed it until I am in a place where I'm not the only person with it or able to take care of it. I figure I'm not going to be at home enough or in enough situations where I can bring the dog with me. If I could bring my dog with me everywhere and still give it proper attention, love, and care then I would probably have a dog in my household. However, that's not how the world currently works. Dogs are mostly meant to stay at home, some parks, and some outdoors areas. They are not welcome almost anywhere else and I've always found that quite sad since I, generally, love them.
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Sep 11, 2005
Puppy owner here. Based on your work schedule and social habits, I'd advise against getting a puppy. Puppies are a lot of work; if you don't think you'll be willing to change your schedule and social habits, then I suggest going to a rescue and adopting a young (1-2 years old) dog that's already crate and house-trained.
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Senior member
Apr 6, 2011
The first thing you will realize as a dog-owner is that after a full day of work, you will come home and will feel VERY guilty about leaving again (if you want to go hang out with friends for a few hours).


Mar 14, 2003
I'm also looking for a dog that doesn't mind being alone and won't shit all over the place since i'm working from 8 to 5 all week and I'll be alone 2 weekends a month...

I'd say 9 hours is pushing the limit for amount of time to leave a dog alone daily, even for an adult dog. And did you mean you intend to leave the dog alone for 2 weekends each month? That's excessive.


Sep 11, 2005
I'd say 9 hours is pushing the limit for amount of time to leave a dog alone daily, even for an adult dog. And did you mean you intend to leave the dog alone for 2 weekends each month? That's excessive.

9 hours is definitely a lot. If there's no other option and he's dead-set on a dog, he should strongly consider daycare or an in-home sitter.


May 17, 2008
The first thing you will realize as a dog-owner is that after a full day of work, you will come home and will feel VERY guilty about leaving again (if you want to go hang out with friends for a few hours).

This x10.

I'm working a 9.5 hour day today, to only go home, take my dog out, play w her for maybe 30 mins, feed her, then go take my g/f out for her bday. I probably won't be home til like 5 hours later.. So all in all my dog would have spent something like 14 hours alone. She does have my 3 cats to chill with if she chose .. And my roommate, but..It's still guilt inducing.


Feb 18, 2004
I'd say 9 hours is pushing the limit for amount of time to leave a dog alone daily, even for an adult dog. And did you mean you intend to leave the dog alone for 2 weekends each month? That's excessive.

we had one dog as a kid who was fine with being left alone all day, but she was definitely the exception... she was practically a cat; all she did all day was sleep and layabout.

with the dog my parents have now, if my mom is going to be out of the house for longer than her usual 8 am - 3 pm work day, she has one of us drop by to let him out, play with him, etc. otherwise he's a nightmare.

I dogsat for them a few weeks ago, and while the dog was an angel with me, as soon as my parents got back he took his revenge (ate an entire poundcake off the counter and shit it out in their bedroom... ordinarily, he NEVER eats food off the counter and NEVER shits indoors)


Platinum Member
Mar 15, 2007
Both dogs you've chosen are high maintenance AND talkative. I think there's a big mismatch between what you think looks cool and what would be an ideal dog for you personally. If you want a quiet, low energy, low maintenance dog, I'd consider a French Bulldog.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2006
LOL well looks like i'll hqve to postpone the project...

Concerning other women ans contrary to many ATOT players, I won't date other womeb while im in a working relationship, sorry. Sure there is but im the faithful type.

Thanks for your comments guys.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 1999
Well you could always get a couple rats. They are neat pets and fairly easy to take care of.


Diamond Member
Feb 3, 2005
I then thought about a cat but not sure either even though we could have the same "i don't care" attitude towards each other.

Don't expect the cat to not care. They are more independent than dogs and won't always want your attention, but they do care. Best raised if you give them lots of love when they're a kitten.

That said, leaving a cat alone while you're at work? Going out after and seeing friends? Really not as big of a deal as it is with a dog, and that's a plus.


Golden Member
Sep 25, 2013
OP, do not get a dog. You are not in a good position to have a dog.

+1 Having dog is a lot of responsibility and takes a lot of time, but in the long run the payoff for us is well worth it. My wife and I work different schedules so our dog is never alone for more than five hours at a time during the week. Having the dog does hamper plans when we would like to take a vacation (looking for someone to stay with her, etc) but at the end of day I wouldn't change a thing. I would much rather have our dog and take the loss of "mobility/freedom" that comes with it than not to have the dog.