Thats the worst thing that i forgot to mention about the Typhoon. Although I love the looks and very low noise. I HATE the rediculous mounting system.... It takes literally 20 - 40 min to line everything up, and screw it in. Not to mention that in most cases you have to take the mobo out completely, then do this sort of balancing act trying to screw the retaining bracket in without messing up the seal of AS5. There is also no way to tell how hard to tighten it because the metal plate starts to bend if you don't screw it in evenly or too much.
In short: pros are that it is the quietest fan I have, rivaling my nexus when they are both at max, it leaves all RAM slots open, and it performs excellently at cooling my OCed A64. Cons are that it is freaking huge and heavy and the mounting system is the worst I've dealt with.