We are where we are because of fear.
Nothing can be done about fear because fear is the suppression of all emotions, a contraction of all feeling. In short fear is the reaction to some threat that is about to awaken how worthless you feel, how much you hate yourself. Since you don't want to know that you feel yourself to be the worst person in the world, you aren't going to cure the problem of fear.
We fear and what is will continue to be.
Theoretical discussions of the mess we are in are lots of fun because they keep us away from the real issue.
He who imagines himself to be a defender of God or Allah is a self hater who covers his self hate with self flattery. He makes himself important by imagining he is important to God and an idolater because he worships a wimp god who is less than The Supreme Being. To defend Allah is to create Satin. Love Him and you will convert the world.