The Strange, Strange Story of the Gay Fascists


Golden Member
Aug 3, 2017
Check out how many right wing leaders are openly gay. In particular Ernst Rohm a former german military officer who became head of the SA.

When hitler decided to purge him during the night of the long knives. Hitler personally led the SS troops that arrested Rohm. When they burst into the SA barracks they found other SA members in bed with each other. It's curious isn't it?

Rohm was openly gay while holding a senior position within the nazi party apparently hitler felt his sexuality was irrelevant. Although he was gay I don't know if you would call him a pansy.


Those scars on his face are war wounds from WW1 he was also known to be an avid street fighter.
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Golden Member
Aug 3, 2017
From the article:

"Just look at our own continent over the past decade. Dutch fascist Pim Fortuyn ran on blatantly racist anti-immigrant platform, describing Islam as “a cancer” and “the biggest threat to Western civilisation today.” Yet with two little fluffy dogs and a Mamma complex, he was openly, flamboyantly gay. When accused by a political opponent of hating Arabs, he replied, “How can I hate Arabs? I sucked one off last night.”"


May 30, 2008
Sheesh, that's a dangerous topic. I suppose Johan Hari gets a form of 'n-word privileges' on account of being gay himself. But it seems a minefield.

There was already a book trying to blame Nazism on gays (I forget its title 'pink swastika' or something, by a very socially-conservative Jewish guy, I think). I think it makes a companion piece to the one that tried to blame Jews for slavery. Just need another one blaming black people for homophobia and the triangle would be complete and straight white guys would be off the hook entirely.

Homosexuality does seem a lot more common on the far-right than, say, being black or Jewish (though there was that group of Hitler-admiring Nazis, Russian secular Jews, who created consternation in Israel). But its not as if they all accept the practice . It seems like something that was always available as a weapon against a rival Nazi. Seems like gays were often tolerated within the (original, actual) Nazi party until they fell foul of some internal rivalry, then it got used as a charge against them.

Also, I suppose there just is something inherently homoerotic about the fascist style. All those manly-men bonding and marching together.

And (maybe the article mentions this, haven't clicked on it yet) it has struck me that both a recent contender for leadership of UKIP (who was considered to be too anti-Muslim even for them) and one of the leading figures in the first far-right party to get into the Bundestag since 1945, are both lesbians. I wonder if it's to do with the new targets of the far right being Muslims, and gays therefore become (even) more accepted by that far right than they used to be, precisely because Muslims tend not to accept them, so there's a 'my enemy's enemy is my friend' logic to it? Or conversely some gay people (those already leaning in that direction for other reasons) have been drawn further to the right precisely because they feel under threat from Muslim homophobia?


May 30, 2008
Having read the article (which I thought was quite good) I'm left wondering about those two far-right lesbian women. How does that fit into the article's emphasis on the ideas of ultra-masculinity and toughness?


May 19, 2011
article said:
Fascism isn’t something that happens out there, a nasty habit acquired by the straight boys.

Who said it was?

It is - in part, at least - a gay thing, and it’s time for non-fascist gay people to wake up and face the marching music.

This sounds an awful lot like "Muslims should apologise for terrorism in the name of Islam" argument.

Calling it "a gay thing" very much suggests that fascism is somehow an inherent part of homosexuality.

I haven't read the whole article but it seems to me that the author just wanted to try and troll people a bit.

Kind of like Searchlight's explanation, I'd go for something simpler, the generally considered-to-be-truth that those who have been bullied are more likely to go on to bully others.


Golden Member
Aug 3, 2017
Calling it "a gay thing" very much suggests that fascism is somehow an inherent part of homosexuality.

The author does also seem to imply that having left wing leanings is intrinsically gay. Could it be that gays are leaping out of the closet left, right and centre?

I do find it fascinating that right wing ideology seems to attract some extremely butch homosexuals. Who like uniforms, guns and a bit of recreational cock.