The soft left summed up in under four minutes.


Oct 18, 2005


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I see the right's capacity for projecting their own issues onto others remains unparalleled.

I always find it amusing that conservatives who think there is a limitless conspiracy of the news media, the entertainment industry, the universities, science, the government, the international community, etc. all designed to keep them down somehow think that liberals are the victims. I've never heard a bigger bunch of crybabies in my life than the people who think everything, almost literally everything, is biased against them.

The effortlessness with which they shift between telling others to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and whining about how nothing's fair to them is kind of impressive though. That I can't deny.


Jan 12, 2005
I always find it amusing that conservatives who think there is a limitless conspiracy of the news media, the entertainment industry, the universities, science, the government, the international community, etc. all designed to keep them down somehow think that liberals are the victims. I've never heard a bigger bunch of crybabies in my life than the people who think everything, almost literally everything, is biased against them.

The effortlessness with which they shift between telling others to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and whining about how nothing's fair to them is kind of impressive though. That I can't deny.

How many left leaning major news outlets do you think there are? How about right leaning? How many celebrities can you name that are liberal of the top of your head? How about conservatives? The media / entertainment industry, generally speaking, on the whole, very much leans left. I don't think too many people with common sense would deny that. That doesn't mean it is a conspiracy or anyone is out to get someone else of a different partisan color. But, on the whole, those groups are left leaning. Protests when a conservative speaker goes to a college campus, open arms if a communist wants to speak. But again, this comes down to why today's left soooooooo looking to be sad and angry. The Dems are ok, but the soft SJW far left liberals have tainted things.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
How many left leaning major news outlets do you think there are? How about right leaning? How many celebrities can you name that are liberal of the top of your head? How about conservatives? The media / entertainment industry, generally speaking, on the whole, very much leans left. I don't think too many people with common sense would deny that. That doesn't mean it is a conspiracy or anyone is out to get someone else of a different partisan color. But, on the whole, those groups are left leaning. Protests when a conservative speaker goes to a college campus, open arms if a communist wants to speak. But again, this comes down to why today's left soooooooo looking to be sad and angry. The Dems are ok, but the soft SJW far left liberals have tainted things.

Yes, yes, we all hear you. Everyone is biased and conspiring against conservatives and it's SO UNFAIR. Also, liberals are totally lifelong victims and that's why they suck.



Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2006
A lot of zombie lefties fit perfectly into the description of exactly what Mr. Shapiro says here. Victimhood... You can't fix a problem until you admit there is a problem. Today it seems the left is so ready to be outraged (often on the behalf of others... Pocahontas), always looking for a reason to be triggered. Your life is your own, you have the steering wheel. Stop blaming everyone else for your shitty decisions.

When every one's opinion contradicts yours, maybe you should give a thought as to why.


Jan 12, 2005
Yes, yes, we all hear you. Everyone is biased and conspiring against conservatives and it's SO UNFAIR. Also, liberals are totally lifelong victims and that's why they suck.


I forgot, which side is guilty of projecting again...?


Jan 12, 2005
When every one's opinion contradicts yours, maybe you should give a thought as to why.

When left of common sense AT P&N disagrees with me, at least a few common posters that can't seem to get enough of my posts, I know I'm probably correct.


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2006
How many left leaning major news outlets do you think there are? How about right leaning? How many celebrities can you name that are liberal of the top of your head? How about conservatives? The media / entertainment industry, generally speaking, on the whole, very much leans left. I don't think too many people with common sense would deny that. That doesn't mean it is a conspiracy or anyone is out to get someone else of a different partisan color. But, on the whole, those groups are left leaning. Protests when a conservative speaker goes to a college campus, open arms if a communist wants to speak. But again, this comes down to why today's left soooooooo looking to be sad and angry. The Dems are ok, but the soft SJW far left liberals have tainted things.

You confuse left with rational and open minded. But then I consider the Democratic party to now hold the same position the Republicans did fifty years ago. Right of center. Not much but drifting.


Jun 23, 2004
Today it seems the left is so ready to be outraged (often on the behalf of others... Pocahontas)
If you don't feel sad and angered by this:
"I just want to thank you because you are very, very special people. You were here long before any of us were here," Trump said. "Although, we have a representative in Congress who has been here a long time ... longer than you -- they call her Pocahontas!"

Then what you have is not strength, it's a simple lack of moral decency in your repertoire.


Sep 5, 2000


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
A lot of zombie lefties fit perfectly into the description of exactly what Mr. Shapiro says here. Victimhood... You can't fix a problem until you admit there is a problem. Today it seems the left is so ready to be outraged (often on the behalf of others... Pocahontas), always looking for a reason to be triggered. Your life is your own, you have the steering wheel. Stop blaming everyone else for your shitty decisions.
I noticed that the speaker acknowledged that people can experience racism in America. I saw also where he stated that people who say they are victims when they really aren't victims will be angry if their victim mentality is challenged. What is the situation where a person actually is a victim and their victim status is challenged? Do such people exist. Do you have to have your church burned down to be a hard victim or be tortured or mauled by some vicious racist? Furthermore, how do you think conservatives feel being asked to contribute taxes to help people who are have been socially victimized by racism when they may have their own issues they feel are not being addressed? Could it be that some people feel victimized by the potential exposure of their own self-centeredness?

That people feel threatened when their core identities are challenged is an obvious fact, but never apparent to anybody in the act of challenge. You see yourself as being victimized by people who feel victimized, some of whom have been and some of them maybe not so much. How bad is your case?


Jan 12, 2005
Lame. I bet this one doesn't make it more than 2 pages.

Its funny, if I posted something negative about the right or "CBD" you guys wouldn't be able to get your pants around your ankles and form the circle quick enough. If something pro-Trump, or more accurately, anti-left is posted, you guys start with the troll comments. Closed mind hypocrites.


Jan 12, 2005
I noticed that the speaker acknowledged that people can experience racism in America. I saw also where he stated that people who say they are victims when they really aren't victims will be angry if their victim mentality is challenged. What is the situation where a person actually is a victim and their victim status is challenged? Do such people exist. Do you have to have your church burned down to be a hard victim or be tortured or mauled by some vicious racist? Furthermore, how do you think conservatives feel being asked to contribute taxes to help people who are have been socially victimized by racism when they may have their own issues they feel are not being addressed? Could it be that some people feel victimized by the potential exposure of their own self-centeredness?

That people feel threatened when their core identities are challenged is an obvious fact, but never apparent to anybody in the act of challenge. You see yourself as being victimized by people who feel victimized, some of whom have been and some of them maybe not so much. How bad is your case?

I'm no victim. Like I said in the OP, the steering wheel to your life is your own to command. We have a society today that so many people that don't have it in them to try hard scream for the rest of society to help pull them forward. Everyone is a triggered snowflake, I see it on the right (war on christians / christmas, Obama!) regularly. But the left has really upped the stupidity bar since losing the election so badly. Throwing tantrums and destroying your neighborhood because a long established democratic process, that'll happen again in a few years, didn't go your way isn't the answer. But it somehow has become the left's answer. Of course things aren't perfect in America, but we've taken a step to make it more perfect about a year ago. Trump is far from ideal, but the mountains made from molehills by the left are too outrageous to ignore. Don't be a victim.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
I'm no victim. Like I said in the OP, the steering wheel to your life is your own to command. We have a society today that so many people that don't have it in them to try hard scream for the rest of society to help pull them forward. Everyone is a triggered snowflake, I see it on the right (war on christians / christmas, Obama!) regularly. But the left has really upped the stupidity bar since losing the election so badly. Throwing tantrums and destroying your neighborhood because a long established democratic process, that'll happen again in a few years, didn't go your way isn't the answer. But it somehow has become the left's answer. Of course things aren't perfect in America, but we've taken a step to make it more perfect about a year ago. Trump is far from ideal, but the mountains made from molehills by the left are too outrageous to ignore. Don't be a victim.

Telling near-constant, easily disproven lies is not taking the country forward.

Denying scientific reality is not taking the country forward.

Appointing people who are completely inexperienced in a given role, or who are clearly corrupt (Michael Flynn, Scott Pruitt, Ajit Pai, etc.) is not taking the country forward.

Failing to fill many government positions when every other modern President has managed this is not taking the country forward.

Removing anti-discrimination rules and trying to impose discriminatory bans (see: the failed transgender military ban) is not taking the country forward.

Whining about NFL players while people are dying in Puerto Rico is not taking the country forward.

Oh, and we'd put more trust in the "long established democratic process" if the Republicans weren't gerrymandering (among other tricks) in a desperate bid to keep themselves in power forever.

Besides, you do realize that the first order of business when the Democrats regain power will be to reverse everything Trump has done, right? Everything. And it's doubtful that the next Republican administration after that will undo much of that reversal, because the next Republican President is unlikely to be as incompetent, petty and corrupt as Trump. As much as you might pretend Trump is some kind of revolutionary force, he's a blip, an error that will be erased within a few years.


Jan 12, 2005
Telling near-constant, easily disproven lies is not taking the country forward.

Denying scientific reality is not taking the country forward.

Appointing people who are completely inexperienced in a given role, or who are clearly corrupt (Michael Flynn, Scott Pruit, Ajit Pai, etc.) is not taking the country forward.

Failing to fill many government positions when every other modern President has managed this is not taking the country forward.

Removing anti-discrimination rules and trying to impose discriminatory bans (see: the failed transgender military ban) is not taking the country forward.

Whining about NFL players while people are dying in Puerto Rico is not taking the country forward.

Oh, and we'd put more trust in the "long established democratic process" if the Republicans weren't gerrymandering (among other tricks) in a desperate bid to keep themselves in power forever.

Besides, you do realize that the first order of business when the Democrats regain power will be to reverse everything Trump has done, right? Everything. And it's doubtful that the next Republican administration after that will undo much of that reversal, because the next Republican President is unlikely to be as incompetent, petty and corrupt as Trump. As much as you might pretend Trump is some kind of revolutionary force, he's a blip, an error that will be erased within a few years.

You are wrong. The revolution already happened, you're on the wrong side of it.

So you're saying (if) when the Dems are in power they'll undo everything Trump has done, you sound very positive about that. So.... then I am sure you have no issues with Trump dismantling everything Obama did. Sounds like a great way to run a country.
Mar 11, 2004
We better call the whaaaaaaaambulance for the OP. Or maybe the Oscar Meyer whinermobile. 'Cause damn, for someone trying to project that everybody else is whining, he sure can't stop crying about how persecuted him and his legion of dumb are.


Jan 12, 2005
We better call the whaaaaaaaambulance for the OP. Or maybe the Oscar Meyer whinermobile. 'Cause damn, for someone trying to project that everybody else is whining, he sure can't stop crying about how persecuted him and his legion of dumb are.

Crying? I'm celebrating. America chose wisely, and the unwise are struggling with that.