I think the issue is finding someone that hasn't smoked in the past three years. Maybe they are not casual smokers but two years ago took a hit of a joint.
Based on that history the fbi won't hire you. You not only need to be clean when you test but you must not have touched it in the last 3 years which I guess is where most people are failing.
Stupid problem; easy solution.
Just set up the cyber crime division in CO where it's legal.
(This is assuming the FBI's concern is that the candidates are currently breaking the law and therefore it is an ethics problem. If it's some other objection, that's their problem. Either the hackers are qualified and you hire them or not regardless of pot smoking. Either the hackers are responsible employees and show up on time and somber or you fire them. No different than with alcohol.)
This is truly a sad state of affairs http://www.cbsnews.com/news/marijuana-a-major-cause-of-accidents-what-study-says/ This study states: The study found that nearly 30 percent of fatally injured drivers tested positive for drugs other than alcohol, with marijuana being the main culprit. Although it is a bit dated I would guess the rate of accidents may even be "higher" because of increasing potency of this garbage.
Maybe if the hiring policy changes it would be a good ruse to get more drug heads off the streets.
Well I am confused, are they really missing out on hiring super geniuses because of the whole policy on marijuana? Are there really that many programmers, and hackers that smoke weed regularly that are in fact "would be top picks" that they pass up? I always thought pot made a person slow at thinking? Or is this all hype?
What he said.I think the Federal Bureau of Investigation would still care that marijuana is illegal under Federal law regardless of which state you put the office in.
Tradition and corporate culture run deep in the FBI. They wouldn't hire anyone who smoked pot in the last several years if it was legal in all 50 States. It has nothing to do with the law.
How does smoking weed once within the last 3 years make someone a pothead? That's like saying if you've had a beer in the last 3 years that you're an alcoholic.
How does smoking weed once within the last 3 years make someone a pothead? That's like saying if you've had a beer in the last 3 years that you're an alcoholic.
At some point in the past, I'm pretty sure that the standard was "never". Like most employers, they really don't care if applicants are alky or not, just so long as it's not late stage. They care about lawbreaking, & applicants dumb enough to admit it.
So I guess people should lie on the application? I mean as long as you don't fail the drug test how can they test you for up to 3 years.
Pretty sure they hook you up to a lie detector.
Right but people have been known to pass those if they believe what they are saying is truth.
I think that's kind of the point the FBI director was alluding to.
That the culture is setup to turn away weed smokers but now it seems their culture is impeding their search for computer people. And that if the FBI wants to get those people, it might need to adjust its culture.
Well I am confused, are they really missing out on hiring super geniuses because of the whole policy on marijuana? Are there really that many programmers, and hackers that smoke weed regularly that are in fact "would be top picks" that they pass up? I always thought pot made a person slow at thinking? Or is this all hype?
I didn't realize so many techies were "pot heads"..lol
lol pot hardly ever causes accidents. I could be stoned silly and still drive better than most people on the road. Shit, I could smoke 2 joints and still play a good tennis game.
being stoned neq being drunk
Hiring can be a tough game. I tried to filter out all of the people who have consumed caffeine in the last year, but all of the candidates seemed very bored in the interview. It's almost like the idea of sitting at a desk for 8 hours and talking to people you don't like is not exciting enough for some people.
I'm really surprised the FBI can't find programmers who aren't stoners. When I think computer programmer, I think of guys who look like this: