- Mar 7, 2001
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Robert Whaples surveys PhD members of the American Economic Association and finds substantial agreement on a wide range of policy issues. For example:
* 87.5 percent agree that "the U.S. should eliminate remaining tariffs and other barriers to trade."
* 85.2 percent agree that "the U.S. should eliminate agricultural subsidies."
* 85.3 percent agree that "the gap between Social Security funds and expenditures will become unsustainably large within the next fifty years if current policies remain unchanged."
* 77.2 percent agree that "the best way to deal with Social Security's long-term funding gap is to increase the normal retirement age."
* 67.1 percent agree that "parents should be given educational vouchers which can be used at government-run or privately-run schools."
* 65.0 percent agree that "the U.S. should increase energy taxes."
And, finally, the topic that generates the most consensus:
* 90.1 percent disagree with the position that "the U.S. should restrict employers from outsourcing work to foreign countries."
One issue that fails to generate consensus is the minimum wage: 37.7 percent want it increased, while 46.8 percent want it eliminated.
Source of commentary
Source of study
Table for study
I'm sure there is something for everyone to agree with and bitch about here. I myself don't think the best way to save SS is raise the age of retirement (I think that should play a part, however).
The lack of a consensus on minimum wage is interesting. I personally am in between on that one; I think it should remain the same and the EITC should be increased.