Thank you for HotDeals rules


Senior member
Oct 14, 1999
I wanted to thank the mods for developing and finally, after what seems like at least 2 years of problems, posting a cogent set of rules for the Hot deals forums. They seem fair, to the point, and look like rules that 99% of us will agree to.


Elite Member
Apr 13, 2000
Yes, very nice indeed! I like this one:

<< No thread crapping. If the subject matter of a deal does not interest you, do not post negative comments about it, or about other members, in the thread.

Possibly the worst examples we have had of this have been in posts for free religious items, such as bibles, etc. If you want to discuss religion, or any other such non-computer topic, do it in our Off Topic forum. The discussions in that forum cover a wide range of topics, but needless flaming and rude, mean-spirited posts are not welcome there, either

So does that mean you can post religious article Hot Deals again if you are not trying to convert someone? Mods? :)
