Thank You and a Quick Question


May 1, 2000
I have been a lurker on this site for sometime today, only posting a question here and there, and after reading through the wealth of knowledge posted on the board, I finally jumped in and built myself a nice computer. I just wanted to thank you for making the install and such so easy, I easily unclocked my 1ghz AXIA and now have it running at 9 x 140. Again, Just wanted to say thanks to you all.

The quick question I had for is that, My chip reads at 41 degrees Celcius in the Bios, and around 39 to 41 when it idles in Win2k, is this a safe temp, and if not what is a safe temp for this cpu & board combo.
I have an Epox 8k7a MB, with a Vantec FCE-62540D cooler with AS2. At the moment I only have an intake fan running, I have a exhaust fan to put I once I get the correct hardware tonight.

Again Thank You

Tom Shortledge