Texas congressman’s breaks with GOP could lead to censure


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2004
'After the Uvalde school shooting that killed 19 students and two teachers, Gonzales supported a sweeping and bipartisan gun violence bill signed by President Joe Biden. He is also the only Texas Republican in the statehouse or Congress who has called for the resignation of the state’s police chief over the fumbled law enforcement response to the attack.'

He joins Liz Cheney in being censured (likely will be, but hasn't yet) for voting for what he believes is the right and proper thing to do (more gun regulation; Uvalde is in his district.)

He's also stood apart from the rest of the GOP in Texas on immigration and border issues, and "He has also voted to defend same-sex marriage and was an outright “no” against a House rules package after Republican leader Kevin McCarthy became speaker."

Obviously if you don't toe the party line, you get silenced (and primaried in the next election for your seat.) These fuckers have no qualms about mass shootings...including in schools...to continue unabated; they are truly irredeemable IMHO.

Protect the children my ass...only when it doesn't infringe on imagined and overstated gun rights.



Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2004
They just voted to censure him, it's official.

"The Republican Party of Texas voted 57-5 with one abstention, underlining how the two-term congressman’s willingness to break with conservatives on key issues during his short time in office has caused GOP activists and some colleagues to bristle.
Gonzales was defiant before the vote and did not attend the meeting of Texas GOP leaders and activists in Austin.
“We’ll see how that goes,” he told reporters in San Antonio on Thursday.

Gonzales spent the day working, according to Sarah Young, his spokesperson.
“He talked to veterans, visited with Border Patrol agents, and met constituents,” Young said in a statement. “The Republican Party of Texas would be wise to follow his lead and do some actual work.”
The vote followed an hourlong, closed-door executive session in which party members were allowed to debate the resolution.

There were no public comments by members before or after the executive session, and the vote was held about one minute after the meeting resumed, followed by applause and cheers from committee members."

Applause and cheering. Yep. Irredeemable shitheels.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
There's probably a reason Judas isn't a popular name. You know how cockroaches react to light. People burdened by massive if unconscious guilt don't like having those feelings triggered. If people are more alike than they imagine, you can learn a lot about others by knowing yourself.


Aug 5, 2000
Damn, the Repub party's management is behaving so much more like an organized crime family than a political party. Lots of sketchy shit to hide, demands for unfailing loyalty or get thrown under the....clown car, real hidden conspiracies being planned and executed against the gov't while the fake red meat ones get thrown to their obedient garbage collectors to keep them heated up and raging against the libs.


Jul 11, 2001
"It is morally as bad not to care whether a thing is true or not, so long as it makes you feel good, as it is not to care how you got your money as long as you have got it." - Edmund Way Teale in his 1950 book Circle of the Seasons

(lifted from page 12 of my copy of Carl Sagan's The Demon Haunted World)
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