Teen's Heart Stops, Restarts 4 Days Later


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Teen's Stopped Heart Starts Up Days Later
NEW YORK (Feb. 12) - Daniel Walker was on his final lap jogging in his high school gym class when he collapsed, his flawed heart giving out on him.

Days later, his heart at a standstill, kept alive by a bypass machine, it began beating again. The 17-year-old's parents called it divine intervention. His physicians were no less amazed.

"I've been a surgeon for 10 years, and this is probably one of the most incredible things I've ever seen," said Dr. Abeel Mangi, one of Walker's cardiac surgeons at New York-Presbyterian Hospital Columbia.

Walker's father described his son's recovery in spiritual terms. "God turned around, put His hand on my son, and recharged him," said William Walker, 58, a retired sanitation worker.

His son's ordeal began Jan. 19 when he collapsed in gym class. The younger Walker suffered from a rare congenital heart flaw that left his coronary artery pinched, giving him only 10 percent of normal heart capacity. He was shuttled to two hospitals before finding himself at Columbia, waiting for a heart transplant, attached to the bypass machine.

Walker's cardiac surgeons said they could not account for the young man's recovery.

"It's a miracle," Mangi said. "There's really no other way to put it."

Two days after it began to beat on its own, surgeons were able to fix the flaw in Walker's heart, increasing its capacity to 60 percent.


Mar 22, 2006
God should've recharged him when his heart gave out in the first place.



Apr 29, 2001
Divine intervention.. if Chemistry is considered divine, and the course of nature is considered intervention.


Diamond Member
Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: Aflac
God should've recharged him when his heart gave out in the first place.


Run it's zombie boy.

They call it devine intervention but wouldn't he be dead if he wasn't on the bypass machine?


No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
Originally posted by: Bootprint
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: Aflac
God should've recharged him when his heart gave out in the first place.


Run it's zombie boy.

They call it devine intervention but wouldn't he be dead if he wasn't on the bypass machine?

There you go using logic again...;)

Didn't you know? God invented the bypass machine.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I like how religious people spin whatever happens as a good thing.

say this kid died, their response:

"He is in a better place, it was God's plan"

it is mindless and greedy to think any higher power really cares. Think of the countless others whose prayers were met with nothing and keep the nonsense talk to yourself.

How about recognizing the amazing HUMANS and technology that made it possible? is that so hard? nope, gotta attribute it a fairy tale coming true.


Jan 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Aflac
God should've recharged him when his heart gave out in the first place.


"Your heart stopped!!
Just kidding! LOLZ!!1!!1!1!"

Good that he made it through though.


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: TheShiz
I like how religious people spin whatever happens as a good thing.

say this kid died, their response:

"He is in a better place, it was God's plan"

it is mindless and greedy to think any higher power really cares. Think of the countless others whose prayers were met with nothing and keep the nonsense talk to yourself.

How about recognizing the amazing HUMANS and technology that made it possible? is that so hard? nope, gotta attribute it a fairy tale coming true.

Greedy?? Seems kinda greedy to me when you stand there spoutin "O GREAT HUMANS BOW TO OUR POWER!" :laugh:

Sorry, as usual, I'm siding with God on this one. You may carry on with whatever keeps that o so high superiority complex going :cool:


Apr 29, 2001
Originally posted by: Journer
Originally posted by: TallBill
Divine intervention.. if Chemistry is considered divine, and the course of nature is considered intervention.


Thats the second time that I've been QFT'd tonight.


Senior member
Jun 21, 2001
Originally posted by: Aflac
God should've recharged him when his heart gave out in the first place.

:confused: Maybe your heart just stopped, but God restarted it instantly so that no one would ever know. Makes you think.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Originally posted by: mobobuff
Greg House must've been there.

Ha...thats a good one! Why dont we have more drug addicted genius doctors in the US?


Golden Member
Oct 16, 1999
Originally posted by: thecoolnessrune
Originally posted by: TheShiz
I like how religious people spin whatever happens as a good thing.

say this kid died, their response:

"He is in a better place, it was God's plan"

it is mindless and greedy to think any higher power really cares. Think of the countless others whose prayers were met with nothing and keep the nonsense talk to yourself.

How about recognizing the amazing HUMANS and technology that made it possible? is that so hard? nope, gotta attribute it a fairy tale coming true.

Greedy?? Seems kinda greedy to me when you stand there spoutin "O GREAT HUMANS BOW TO OUR POWER!" :laugh:

Sorry, as usual, I'm siding with God on this one. You may carry on with whatever keeps that o so high superiority complex going :cool:

what's wrong with being proud that there are humans smart enough to invent such a wonderful machine based on many other wonderful technologies? you certainly seem to be rather proud of another human invention... god. why do you think there are so many religions and so many "gods". humans just keep on inventing them over and over throughout the entire history of humanity.


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: rubix
Originally posted by: thecoolnessrune
Originally posted by: TheShiz
I like how religious people spin whatever happens as a good thing.

say this kid died, their response:

"He is in a better place, it was God's plan"

it is mindless and greedy to think any higher power really cares. Think of the countless others whose prayers were met with nothing and keep the nonsense talk to yourself.

How about recognizing the amazing HUMANS and technology that made it possible? is that so hard? nope, gotta attribute it a fairy tale coming true.

Greedy?? Seems kinda greedy to me when you stand there spoutin "O GREAT HUMANS BOW TO OUR POWER!" :laugh:

Sorry, as usual, I'm siding with God on this one. You may carry on with whatever keeps that o so high superiority complex going :cool:

what's wrong with being proud that there are humans smart enough to invent such a wonderful machine based on many other wonderful technologies? you certainly seem to be rather proud of another human invention... god. why do you think there are so many religions and so many "gods". humans just keep on inventing them over and over throughout the entire history of humanity.

Nah, its quite the opposite, its the pride of humans thinking they invented God :p There are only so many religions because man wanted to constantly develop a state where he could live as he pleased. So as men became discontent with obeying rules... they altered religion to how they wanted it to be interpreted so they would be happier with it.

Atheism is pretty much the ultimate form of that. To be free of all responsibility, thats what humans naturally crave. To be able to do anything they want without having to worry about following rules. :cool: