Housing should be completely tax deductible while paying interest should be taxed rather than deductible.
Switzerland has a 35% tax on borrowing, which I think discourages borrowing and may be part of why they have a stronger currency.
What do you think?
For one, I think it's unconstitutional (if you're referring to a federal tax on loans). There's a reason why it took a Constitutional amendment to impose an income tax.
For another, it would kill the economy. Others have already mentioned consumer demand, but you wanna kill banks, especially small banks? They make their money on loans.
You want to kill any chance for someone to start a new business? You can't borrow, you can't start.
Kill chances to expand a existing business?
The people who already have cash are greatly benefited by this. I.e., this would be hugely redistributive pushing wealth to those already at the top.
People would be forced into alternate arrangements, such as 'sale leasebacks' to generate needed cash. The rich person buys it from you (thus providing you with cash) and leases it back to you, at a huge profit since you have no alternative (like to borrow). That 35% 'tax' would be going to fat-cats, not the US Treas.