T.O. Fight Song (Sung to the Eagles Fight Song). Enjoy!
Cry, T.O. Cry,
Fake an ankle injury
Bitch T.O. Bitch
Abuse the team verbally
Hit'em low, hit'em high,
And watch those dollars fly
Cry, T.O. Cry,
Wrote a half assed apology
Cry, T.O. Cry,
Dumbest guy in history
Bitch T.O. Bitch
Slam the coach publicly
Bitch and moan, bitch and moan
And kiss your ass good-bye
Cry, T.O. Cry,
On the road to free agency
Dumb Ass!!!
Cry, T.O. Cry,
Fake an ankle injury
Bitch T.O. Bitch
Abuse the team verbally
Hit'em low, hit'em high,
And watch those dollars fly
Cry, T.O. Cry,
Wrote a half assed apology
Cry, T.O. Cry,
Dumbest guy in history
Bitch T.O. Bitch
Slam the coach publicly
Bitch and moan, bitch and moan
And kiss your ass good-bye
Cry, T.O. Cry,
On the road to free agency
Dumb Ass!!!