T cells to kill all cancer


Mar 17, 2008
So most of us have read something about this now right?

Question. Why wait till you get cancer to get that treatment? Or will the super T cells slowly get replaced with boring normal ones over time? :).
Dec 10, 2005
Honestly, this is another case of bad science communication. It's an interesting single study, but it may not be that broadly applicable. Cancer isn't a single disease; it is hundreds of distinct diseases that respond to different treatments.

And I don't think "boring normal" treatments are that boring. Cancer deaths per capita, despite pretty flat cancer incidence rates, have fallen by 25-30% since the early 90s due to amazing advances in treatments, from small molecule targeted therapies to immune checkpoint inhibitors.


Jun 13, 2000
So...cancerous cells that form tumors are basically mutations of healthy cells that create new unhealthy growth (because they contain the mutation an often grow where they cause problems....like in the brain or near the liver where they can basically then replicate anywhere in your body). Ultimately, you're still treating the symptoms here. It won't help to receive any treatments until the primary mutation takes place, assuming you're healthy and not extremely rich.

Where I live, there is a slight concentration of cancer patients because there are a few nuclear facilities. These facilities have some radiation leakage (because some is generally acceptable). Just stating the point that the cause of the cancer is likely something external of the body.

My cousin, for instance, worked on a golf course in his 20's and was diagnosed with Lymphoma at the age of 40. In his case, this kind of treatment may have helped. Instead, he got to do chemo and radiation treatments for the mass that was growing under his arm.