systems setup advice...


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
I am putting some systems together and I am wandering would it make good sense for those systems that have a hdd,dvd-rom, and cd-rw to get a separate promise or maxtor ata100 controller pci so I can keep all the devices on their spearate channels...

I am assuming I would have made the dvd slave to the hdd on the master, then cd-rw on its own channel.

do you think for the extra 30-40 bucks it makes better sense and better performance for my custumers to add the pci controller...I ask this cause I have seem some computer online stores doing this in their systems...


Senior member
May 28, 2001
I'm running my DVD-rom as master and CD-RW as a slave on one channel and my 20gig HD on its own channel and it run perfectly.


Jan 6, 2001

<< do you think for the extra 30-40 bucks it makes better sense and better performance for my custumers to add the pci controller.. >>

in order for you to remain competitive perhaps you should inform them of this option with its benefits &amp; let them make the final decision.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
I definitely want to keep the dvd-rom separate of the cd-rw for better cd's on the fly...but will the dvd playback be effected by the dvd-rom sharing HDD??? On my higher end system the aopen 16x dvd is ata66 though it hardly does that standard...I would have ata100 maxtor 60gig hdd w/ a ata66 dvd-rom....

I may just have to play with it a bit and make the performance is what I want to stand behind...

Thanks for the advice bacillus...I already try to market myself as using high end components top in their area in reviews with great overall performance, all through heavy research of sites and forum users. No secrets in the box like some oem manufacturers. I also market upgradability through good components and lack of proprietary BS...Seems to work to most ppl I pitch my systems.