Set-up is as follows...
DFI NF3 UT 250gb Mobo
AMD 64 3200
1.5 GB pc3200 memory
XP-90 fan on processor (I think that was the model)
Maxtor 80 GB hd
This system has worked very well until recent. Did no changes and suddenly the other day a blue screen popped up with some type of memory error message displayed. It was a decent amount of info and didn't stay on the screen long and system crashed so I wasn't able to read it all! Now, can't boot activate, lights work on case, video card fan runs, and the 2 led's on the Mobo light up. They are a DRAM power LED and a standby power LED.
I get a continous beep loop. Beeps last 2 seconds and are about 5 seconds apart. I have tried booting with no drives, changed Vid cards, reseated the memory, tried a stick in each slot, tried a different memory stick than was in the system when it crashed...It has the "Awards Bios" and the continous loop beeps are supposed to be memory related. I have also tried resetting the CMOS, pulled the battery for a bit as well.
I don't have another processor to pop in the system not do I have another board to test on...
Any advice, thoughts or help would be appreciated, I'm at my wits end and don't want to buy a new system when I'm sure I either have a piece of the system to replace or any other options to get the system to boot at least into the BIOS so I can get rolling.
Motherboard or CPU fried??
Sytem has always run very cool and stable by the way, and no overclocking.
DFI NF3 UT 250gb Mobo
AMD 64 3200
1.5 GB pc3200 memory
XP-90 fan on processor (I think that was the model)
Maxtor 80 GB hd
This system has worked very well until recent. Did no changes and suddenly the other day a blue screen popped up with some type of memory error message displayed. It was a decent amount of info and didn't stay on the screen long and system crashed so I wasn't able to read it all! Now, can't boot activate, lights work on case, video card fan runs, and the 2 led's on the Mobo light up. They are a DRAM power LED and a standby power LED.
I get a continous beep loop. Beeps last 2 seconds and are about 5 seconds apart. I have tried booting with no drives, changed Vid cards, reseated the memory, tried a stick in each slot, tried a different memory stick than was in the system when it crashed...It has the "Awards Bios" and the continous loop beeps are supposed to be memory related. I have also tried resetting the CMOS, pulled the battery for a bit as well.
I don't have another processor to pop in the system not do I have another board to test on...
Any advice, thoughts or help would be appreciated, I'm at my wits end and don't want to buy a new system when I'm sure I either have a piece of the system to replace or any other options to get the system to boot at least into the BIOS so I can get rolling.
Motherboard or CPU fried??
Sytem has always run very cool and stable by the way, and no overclocking.