Hi everyone:
been running XP2600 Corp Pro since late December. I use System restore to set a restore point whenever I am trying something new, or installing software that may hose something.
I tried a restore this morning, and i got a " Windows was unable to restore your system: try another restore point" message. None of the other points worked.
I keep a bi-weekly back-up with Ghost, but was wondering if it was time for a fresh install?? ( tried the last Ghost back-up- same thing).
I must ask the inevitable question, here, can I do an overlay install, and what does it keep, and what does it lose ( I have my main HD in 2 partitions; C:\Windows, and d:\programs).
Thanks in advance.
been running XP2600 Corp Pro since late December. I use System restore to set a restore point whenever I am trying something new, or installing software that may hose something.
I tried a restore this morning, and i got a " Windows was unable to restore your system: try another restore point" message. None of the other points worked.
I keep a bi-weekly back-up with Ghost, but was wondering if it was time for a fresh install?? ( tried the last Ghost back-up- same thing).
I must ask the inevitable question, here, can I do an overlay install, and what does it keep, and what does it lose ( I have my main HD in 2 partitions; C:\Windows, and d:\programs).
Thanks in advance.