S SupraTran Senior member Jan 9, 2005 207 0 0 Jan 23, 2005 #1 Which one should I use?? I just got a new really good computer and want to protect the hell out of it!!
Which one should I use?? I just got a new really good computer and want to protect the hell out of it!!
S SupraTran Senior member Jan 9, 2005 207 0 0 Jan 23, 2005 #3 Also considering BlackIce and Armor2Net
S SupraTran Senior member Jan 9, 2005 207 0 0 Jan 23, 2005 #4 Does Kerio have a problem with SP2 ?? I installed it and when I restart and try to run it a Windows Error report pops up
Does Kerio have a problem with SP2 ?? I installed it and when I restart and try to run it a Windows Error report pops up
B bacon333 Senior member Mar 12, 2003 524 0 0 Jan 23, 2005 #5 I'm using kerio with sp2 and have no problems
Rottie Diamond Member Feb 10, 2002 4,795 1 81 Jan 24, 2005 #6 Sygate Personal Firewall get my vote....no problems.
C cyberknight Senior member Sep 3, 2004 378 0 0 Jan 24, 2005 #7 I'm using Kerio 2.1.5 with SP2 Firewall