switching Mobos on Dell


Oct 19, 2005
So right now I have a Dell GX260, it has a pentium 2ghz and agp, I was looking at upgrading the mobo to one that has either am2 or a 939 (to get an opteron 1.8ghz dual core, i think 165...) and pci-e (to do some gx10 gaming later on). is it as easy as taking the old mobo out and dropping a new one in or does dell have some weird case that wont allow this (the case is small desktop). Or i suppose I could just get a case and take out all the Dell stuff (hd, ram, cdrom, power, ) and drop it in the new case...Anyway thanks for the help


Senior member
Jan 19, 2005
dont know the answer to your question but maybe measure your mobo and see if the dimensions are similar to a matx board. The holes might be drilled differently, however, but it is a start. If you do have to move everything out, and want a cheap case, check out the rosewell ones on newegg, for thirty dollars they might save you a hassle.


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2001
I second the rosewill case. One was around $20 including shipping at newegg. Sell your Dell intact and use the dough for a complete new build. It's not that easy to switch out boards and power supplies in most dell systems. They aren't designed to be upgradable. Dell would rather you buy a new system. If you don't want to build your own, office max and circuit city have some cheap systems with LCD for around $400-500. Fry's this weekend has 3 systems with $100 rebate that makes them around $150 after rebate. You have a choice of sempron or celeron with vista basic.