Excellent information on surges and surge protection is at:
- "How to protect your house and its contents from lightning: IEEE guide for surge protection of equipment connected to AC power and communication circuits" published by the IEEE (the IEEE is a major organization of electrical and electronic engineers).
And also:
http://www.eeel.nist.gov/817/pubs/spd-anthology/files/Surges happen!.pdf
- "NIST recommended practice guide: Surges Happen!: how to protect the appliances in your home" published by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology
The IEEE surge guide is aimed at people with some technical background.
Typically destructive surges are hundreds of thousands of joules. So what do those protectors do? Protect from a tiny surge that is typically made irrelevant by protection already inside appliances.
Both the IEEE and NIST surge guides say plug-in protectors are effective.
The author of the NIST surge guide investigated how much energy might be absorbed in a MOV in a plug-in protector. Branch circuits were 10m and longer, and the surge on incoming power wires was up to 10,000A . (That is the maximum that has any reasonable probability of occurring, as below.) The maximum energy at the MOV was a surprisingly small 35 joules. In 13 of 15 cases it was 1 joule or less. (There are a couple of reasons why it is so small.)
Plug-in protectors with much higher ratings (like 1050J) are readily available. High ratings mean long life. A plug-in protector, wired correctly (see below), is very likely to protect from a very near very strong lightning strike.
Those protectors also need protection. Provided by something completely different that is, unfortunately, also called a surge protector.
More nonsense.
Effective protectors are rated by a surge current.
Surge current is equivalent to energy (joule) ratings.
In the US there is not a standard (UL) method for specifying the joule rating. As a result some manufacturers use deceptive ratings, which puts honest manufacturers at a disadvantage. Some manufacturers no longer supply joule ratings. (This is discussed in the IEEE surge guide.)
One minimally sized 'whole house' protector (to even protect those power strips) is 50,000 amps.
The author of the NIST surge guide also looked at the surge current that could come in on residential power wires. The maximum with any reasonable probability of occurring was 10,000A per wire. That is based on a 100,000A lighting strike to a utility pole adjacent to the house in typical urban overhead distribution.
Recommended ratings for service panel protectors are in the IEEE surge guide on page 18. Ratings far higher than 10,000A per wire mean the protector will have a long life.
These come from companies known for better quality. (What a protector looks like on the outside says nothing about protection.) General Electric, ABB, Siemens, Ditek, Intermatic, Square D, Leviton, etc all provide these superior products. A Cutler-Hammer solution sold in Lowes and Home Depot for less than $50.
Provide a link to a Lowes or Home Depot protector for less than $50 that has westom's minimum rating of 50,00 amps.
All these '="quality" manufacturers except SquareD make plug-in protectors and say they are effective. (Westom says plug-in protectors do not work.)
SquareD says for their "best" service panel protector "electronic equipment may need additional protection by installing plug-in [protectors] at the point of use."
Belkin and some others make good plug-in protectors.
A protector adjacent to the appliance can only stop or absorb a surge. How does it stop what three miles of sky did not?
It doesn't. Neither service panel or plug-in protectors work by "stopping" or "absorbing".
As explained in the IEEE surge guide (starting page 30) plug-in protectors work primarily by limiting the voltage from each wire to the ground at the protector. This has been explained many times for westom, but it does not fit his simple beliefs about protection and is ignored.
If using a plug-in protector all interconnected equipment needs to be connected to the same protector. All external connections, like coax also MUST go through the protector.
A superior 'whole house' protector is part of a solution that also protects from those other tiny and lesser threats.
Service panel protectors are a real good idea.
But from the NIST guide:
"Q - Will a surge protector installed at the service entrance be sufficient for the whole house?
A - There are two answers to than question: Yes for one-link appliances [electronic equipment], No for two-link appliances [equipment connected to power AND phone or cable or....]. Since most homes today have some kind of two-link appliances, the prudent answer to the question would be NO - but that does not mean that a surge protector installed at the service entrance is useless."
Service panel protectors are very likely to protect anything connected only to power wires from a very near very strong lightning strike. They may or may not protect equipment connected to both power and phone/cable/other wiring. The NIST surge guide suggests most equipment damage is from high voltage between power and signal wires. An example is in the IEEE surge guide starting page 30.
View protector numbers for a UPS. Even tinier. Near zero. UPS claims surge protection - only from near zero surges.
The type of UPS that is commonly used has no inherent surge protection. The same protection that is used in plug-in protectors is added to UPSs. High ratings are more readily available on plug-in protectors.
And finally, a protector is only a connecting device to what actually does protection. Protectors are simple science. Art is what absorbs hundreds of thousands of joules. Earth ground. Most of your attention should focus on what is most important in any protection system - earth ground.
The author of the NIST surge guide has written "the impedance of the grounding system to `true earth' is far less important than the integrity of the bonding of the various parts of the grounding system."
Worry about the length of the ground wire from cable and phone entry protectors to the common connection point on the power earthing system. An example of a entry protector ground wire that is too long is in the IEEE surge guide starting page 30.
If a strong surge is earthed, the potential of the building "ground" will rise thousands of volts above 'absolute' earth potential. Much of the protection is that all wiring rises together.