Does this mean, that making jewelry/keyrings out of old computer parts is bad? I wonder if retail stores that sell SIMM keyrings will pull them off of the shelves because of this.
Seriously though, this news is rather troubling. The summary appears to be that a group of chemicals, that are akin to PCBs, are used to make the plastic used in computer cases and devices, flame-retardant. The chemicals were known to be toxic, but claimed by the mfg to not be able to escape from the plastic into which they were embedded. Clearly, if anyone has ever smelled the outgassing of plastics when new, this is not true. Traces of these toxic chemicals were found in dust samples taken from the surface of these devices.
It's also well-known, that computers and related devices, should not be thrown into public landfills, as they will leach out a myriad of toxic substances over the years. Most are sent to China, to be dumped into remote villages, including computers sent to PC "recycling" centers here in the US.
Personally, my room is practically a computer junkyard. I wonder how much of this sort of thing that I've been exposed to over the years. Granted, I'm sure that I've actually been directly exposed to a lot worse, so this is probably only of minor concern to me. I guess one moral of the story should be, don't breath in any of those dust-bunnies that you clean out of your computer, they could be toxic.