Anyone that's dealt with student loans before send me a PM or just post here. Thanks.
My school(RIT) requires 4 quarters of co-op(paid internship) before I can grauate. I last took classes last spring, which ended on 5-24-2002. I've been unable to find a CS co-op since then. Now my student loan place says that I have six months from May 24th to find a co-op or be back in school. However, I can't take any more of the 9 classes that I have left until I find a co-op. So pretty much what I gather is that if I don't get a co-op by November 24th I have to start repaying my loans. If any of you have been in this situation or just have some advice let me know. Thanks again for listening.
My school(RIT) requires 4 quarters of co-op(paid internship) before I can grauate. I last took classes last spring, which ended on 5-24-2002. I've been unable to find a CS co-op since then. Now my student loan place says that I have six months from May 24th to find a co-op or be back in school. However, I can't take any more of the 9 classes that I have left until I find a co-op. So pretty much what I gather is that if I don't get a co-op by November 24th I have to start repaying my loans. If any of you have been in this situation or just have some advice let me know. Thanks again for listening.