Student loan problem....


Sep 21, 2000
Anyone that's dealt with student loans before send me a PM or just post here. Thanks.

My school(RIT) requires 4 quarters of co-op(paid internship) before I can grauate. I last took classes last spring, which ended on 5-24-2002. I've been unable to find a CS co-op since then. Now my student loan place says that I have six months from May 24th to find a co-op or be back in school. However, I can't take any more of the 9 classes that I have left until I find a co-op. So pretty much what I gather is that if I don't get a co-op by November 24th I have to start repaying my loans. If any of you have been in this situation or just have some advice let me know. Thanks again for listening.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
The loan rules aren't going to bend for you.

Get in your academic advisor's office, and stay there until s/he finds a solution for you. If they can't help, stay in the office and say, "then find me someone who can."

Be your advisor's worst nightmare until s/he finds a solution for you.