Strange problems w/ folder C:\My Files


Sep 15, 2003
I have Win98SE and problems w/ this folder: It all started when the link to this folder disapperead from the desktop. Since that moment, this folder isnt a special folder anymore. I manually restored the link to the desktop, but I couldnt solve the other problems:

1.) I cannot open the folder directly from the desktop in the Explorer (have to go to C: first).

2.) I cannot see this folder in save as menus at all anymore, except C:\My Files is the default save-directory of this app. If this is not the case, I have to typ manually C:\My Files to save a file there.

3.) The worst is, that the search funktion doesnt work probably in this folder anymore: I can only find files in subfolders, and it doesnt change anything when I select "dont include subfolders".

I dont know, if this has something to do with it, because it started later: very often Explorer is closed because w/ an error message, but Explorer restarts itself right afterwards. This sometimes, but not everytime, happens when I do one of this things:

- When I start special programs, that need a tray-icon (it doesnt happen w/ all tray-programs)

- When I use Explorer or have a folder opened or do things like save, craete a link,... in a folder that is opened w/ explorer. It most frequently happens in C:\My Files.

- surf the internet.

I dont know, if this matters, but I have one strange behaviour of explorer, which started long before the My Files problem: Sometimes the icons of some files change to a different, random icon. If I go into the View -> Folder options -> Filetypes menu (menu names are translated from German) and change the icon for one filetyp back, it automatically changes all the other icons that changed themselves back.


Sep 15, 2003
About the folder: I have made an error translating the folders name: I have the german version of Win98SE, and there the folder is called "Eigene Dateien". So because Dateien means files, I guessed, that in the English version the folder is called "My Files", but in a different forum someone said, that he only knows a default special folder called "My Documents".


Sep 15, 2003
I tried to change the "My Documents" folder (default in german version = C:\Eigene Dateien), and change it back afterwards again. I used a MS-DOS compatible filename (max. 8 characters, no special characters) for the other file. Although I did this I could never see an icon on the Desktop or in Explorer.


Sep 15, 2003
I now also tried to use the folders C:\My Documents and C:\MyDocuments for "My Documents", but it also didnt work. The folders werent there, so I had to create them before.

I ran SFC, but it didnt help.

Details about what I did w/ SFC:

I now ran sfc in savemode, but w/o searching for deleted or changed files. It only found one possible damaged file (a part of the path is translated from German):

C:\Program files\Shared Files\Microsoft Shared\Webfolders\RAGENT.DLL

Description from Properties -> Version:

Because this didnt help I searched for files which were replaced by older files or other supicious files in the SFCLOG.TXT file. The good thing about this file is, that it says, if the file has changed since the last scan, even if all properties (size, version, date) are identical. Sometimes when only the date changed, the file didnt change althought the date changed.

I didnt find files, which were replaced by a file w/ an older version, but I found files, were the versionnumber didnt change, but the date changed, and some of them were als reported as changed by SFCLOG. Althought only one was replaced by a file w/ an older date, I renamed all of this files that were reported as changed (except one) to .old and replaced them w/ the original file from the Win98-CD. I dont think, that I did something wrong by this, because the original date of all these files was 05/05/99, which is the date of all Win98SE files. The one file I didnt replace (C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\CTL3D32.DLL I didnt replace because it said in the properties it said under version: "Ctl3D 3D Windows Controls", so I dont think, that this file has something to do w/ my problem.

The files I replaced:

path\filename|||version of previous file|date of previous file|size of previous file||version of current file|date of current file|size of current file|||description under properties -> version (partly translated form German, partly in German)

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ASYCFILT.DLL|||2.40.4275|05/05/99|144kB||2.40.4275|03/13/03|144kB|||Microsoft OLE 2.40 for Windows NT(TM) and Windows 95(TM) Operating Systems

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSRECR40.DLL|||4.00.25218|05/05/99|28.2kB||4.00.25218|04/12/99|28.2kB|||Microsoft Jet-Aktenkoffer-Syncronisation Resource

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSVCRT.DLL|||4.22.0000|05/05/99|336kB||4.22.0000|03/13/03|319kB|||Microsoft® C Runtime Library