strange GF2 flicker problem, please help


Senior member
Nov 6, 2000
This is tough to describe, but here i go. I have a Hercules GF2 Pro (not overclocked) that sporadically flickers (entire screen goes black for about 1 second; it starts from the bottom of the screen and goes up and then the picture comes back the same way). Sometimes it won't do it for hours, other times it will do it every few minutes or less. I've recognized no pattern to the madness. It can be while browsing the web or playing games, it doesn't discriminate. I have the refresh rate set to optimal in the display properties and i play Q3 at 800x600 at 120Hz refresh. When browsing the forums here, i get a couple lines that flicker on the screen, towards the bottom left 3rd of the screen, and its more prominent as i scroll the page. This symptom usually preceeds the big flicker.

Here's another catch. I don't get this problem at all ever when running nvidia reference drivers 6.31. I recently started playing some D3D games and wanted the newest drivers. The problem started when i updated to the 14.xx drivers. I've tried every subsequent version of nvidia reference drivers (up to the current 23.11 version) and experienced the same flicker problem. I've since formatted (due to another problem) and am still having the same problem. I'm running hercules 21.81 drivers now and its the same behavior.

what do you think?


Diamond Member
May 3, 2001
Have you tried running the latest Nvidia reference drivers?

I knew of the problems associated with certain Geforce 2 cards, especially the Ultras that had major screen flickering issues due to the powerlink to the heatsink/fan.



Senior member
Nov 6, 2000
yes, i've tried 21.81, 21.83, 22.50, and 23.11 all to no avail. I even tried a different operating system (WinXP) and had the same problem. The screen was flickering throughtout the entire installation with the pseudo-windows GUI.


Diamond Member
May 3, 2001
Last thing, have you tried a different monitor, and/or monitor cable? If it still persists, then I'm afraid you have a bad vid output on your card. I hope you can exchange/return the sucker for a replacement.


Senior member
Nov 6, 2000
No i haven't tried a different monitor or cable.....the fact that the problem does not occur at all with older drivers makes me believe its not related related to the monitor or monitor cable. Is it possible a monitor or monitor cable would act up with newer video drivers but not old ones?


Golden Member
Mar 20, 2000
because mabye the monitor/cable developed the problem over time... and when you installed new drivers then the problem just coincidentally occured at the same time.


Senior member
Jan 11, 2000
While you're having these problems, you've got to shoot for stability (it helps if you have to explain the prob to tech support at Hercules): (1) If Herc. has proprietary drivers, install them (most recent vers.). If they have firmware upgrades, now's the time to flash. (2) If you're using Nvmax, coolbits or any other nvidia tweaker, uninstall till you get this sorted. I'm taking you at your word that you're not overclocking. (3) If you've tweaked the vid bios with custom AGP settings, take it all back to auto/default. Try 64 meg apeture size.

I believe I contributed to burning out the memory on my GF2 GTS a few months ago with some dodgy AGP settings and a little over-extension of the NVMAX proggy. Hermm. I'm hoping that Elsa is fixing the problem as we speak (Memory went bad, I don't know how, didn't do nothing wrong....). Good luck.


Senior member
Nov 6, 2000
I'm currently running Hercs drivers 21.81 and having the problem. It seems to happen more when room temperature is greater than 70F. I'll have to document and test this hypothesis to be sure however. The problem goes away when i run older drivers (regardless of room temp), so i can get the card to function perfectly, just not with newer drivers. I've flashed the card's bios and tryin all possible BIOS AGP settings (4X AGP enabled, disabled, fastwrite enabled, disabled.....etc)