Stewart goes on Fox and hits bullseyes

Oct 16, 1999

Yeah it's HuffPo, but it's got the unedited video embedded. I post this because it's worth watching, though I expect the thread to devolve pretty quickly. I think his criticisms of both Fox, the "liberal" media, and Obama are dead on, and it's very bothersome that Wallace seems oblivious to the fact that he's putting so much effort into demonstrating that Fox News is no more biased than a comedy show on a comedy network. Just what is in those fair and balanced coffee mugs over there?


Golden Member
May 20, 2009
I am glad Jon had the balls to go on Fox. Fox seems to have its head up its ass if they think they aren't biased. He is also right about MSNBC trying to mimic Fox's business model. I especially like the call-out of the Fox viewers being wrong about most political events. Anyone who thinks Fox and MSNBC are anything but biased need to get their heads out of their asses---and that is not to say that FOX and MSNBC are always wrong, just biased.


Platinum Member
Sep 25, 2003
Agreed. As many serious reporters have learned over the years, comedians are not, by any means, fools. The best part of the interview is Wallace's initial smug bravado melting down into a defensive posture.


Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2000
I listened to this yesterday in my car while waiting for my mom to finish a meeting at church.

Anyone who hasn't seen this needs to see it. Highly recommended.
Doesn't matter if it's on HuffPo, or whatever.


Jul 5, 2000
Yea the DC Fox news had a Must see Stewart blow his top... type tag to it. So they were spinning it right away to try and control it.


Jun 3, 2002
Stewart does make an excellent point about the media being lazy with coverage that has nothing to do with a liberal bias. It's especially true of local news coverage, a dying breed of coverage that gets taken to school by the Internet in terms of content and usefulness. Anything omitted in an MSM news story is far more likely to be due to laziness, incompetence, or unintentional than because of a liberal bias. That's the sad state of TV news. Fox and MSNBC are different breeds, they intentionally put their bias out there without explicitly saying it, which is what is so disgusting about both channels. What's really annoying though was seeing Wallace obfuscate by saying the MSM was liberal, and then saying "We're the counterweight" when what he really should have said, if he were an honest guy, is that we're the conservative counterweight. There's no question Fox is conservative top to bottom, they don't have a single liberal leaning show. Which surprisingly isn't the case with MSNBC (Morning Joe, but I can't think of any other one so it's relatively close).
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No Lifer
Oct 11, 2000
Also a good one is where Jon Stewart goes on the O'Reily and tears Bill a new one on the "cop killing" rap artist.

Macamus Prime

Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2011
"Who are the most consistently misinformed media viewers?" Stewart shot back, his voice rising. "The most consistently misinformed? Fox, Fox viewers, consistently, every poll."

This is what happens when you rely on an old insane crabby sack of shit like Murdoch to get your news; you look just as bad as the shit he can't help from pouring out of his hairy wax caked ears.
Feb 16, 2005
Stewart does make an excellent point about the media being lazy with coverage that has nothing to do with a liberal bias. It's especially true of local news coverage, a dying breed of coverage that gets taken to school by the Internet in terms of content and usefulness. Anything omitted in an MSM news story is far more likely to be due to laziness, incompetence, or unintentional than because of a liberal bias. That's the sad state of TV news. Fox and MSNBC are different breeds, they intentionally put their bias out there without explicitly saying it, which is what is so disgusting about both channels. What's really annoying though was seeing Wallace obfuscate by saying the MSM was liberal, and then saying "We're the counterweight" when what he really should have said, if he were an honest guy, is that we're the conservative counterweight. There's no question Fox is conservative top to bottom, they don't have a single liberal leaning show. Which surprisingly isn't the case with MSNBC (Morning Joe, but I can't think of any other one so it's relatively close).

This, I think is the best point. There are no more reporters out there with balls to ask the hard questions. The reporters are too worried about their hair looking right or saying the right thing to appease their corporate owners.
Gone are the days of Cronkite. Long, long gone.


Jul 17, 2003
Stewart gave FOX another sound slapping? Amazing they'd have him back seeing how frequently and thoroughly he destroys their positions and credibility.

Oh wait, nevermind, Fox lost any and all credibility a long long time ago...
Jan 25, 2011
The most damning part of that interview was Stewart pointing out Nancy Pelosi refused to talk about Weiner's dick and instead wanted to talk about jobs and the economy. And every media outlet immediately losing interest and turning away. It really is just a sad state what holds the focus of journalism these days.

And yet people wonder why so many on both sides seem completely misinformed about the true state of things.


Jan 28, 2002
This is what happens when you rely on an old insane crabby sack of shit like Murdoch to get your news; you look just as bad as the shit he can't help from pouring out of his hairy wax caked ears.

Don't you mean Roger Ailes?

Rupert just likes the money.


Golden Member
Oct 1, 2003
"More seldom than not, the movies gives us exquisite sex and wholesome violence that underscores our values. Every two child did. I will." - GWB, Sept 22, 2000 :D

FYI, while Bush undoubtedly said many stupid things, he never said that, as it was made up for a Saturday Night Live episode (season 26, episode 1). If you can find a legitimate source attributing that quote to him, I'll gladly admit that I was wrong.


May 1, 2006
This, I think is the best point. There are no more reporters out there with balls to ask the hard questions. The reporters are too worried about their hair looking right or saying the right thing to appease their corporate owners.
Gone are the days of Cronkite. Long, long gone.

To be fair, I think there's a lot better news reporting today by people like Rachel Maddow (and better yet on blogs in books) than from Cronkite.

Cronkite had a lot of good things to say after he was off the air. It's out there now - but not enough people take advantage.

There's a reason the whole nation could fall for something like Vietnam as badly as it did.


May 24, 2004
The most damning part of that interview was Stewart pointing out Nancy Pelosi refused to talk about Weiner's dick and instead wanted to talk about jobs and the economy. And every media outlet immediately losing interest and turning away. It really is just a sad state what holds the focus of journalism these days.

And yet people wonder why so many on both sides seem completely misinformed about the true state of things.

And that too has another side of the story, Pelosi is there to present her political party in the best possible way. She deferred to jobs primarily because the alternate topic of the day was damaging to her party.

Remember the news conference Pelosi gave where she broke out the waterworks at just how angry and violent the Tea Party is, and how she feels the lives of her fellow Democrats are in serious danger?

It's a sad indication of the media, but it's also a sad indication of politicians.
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May 24, 2004
To be fair, I think there's a lot better news reporting today by people like Rachel Maddow (and better yet on blogs in books) than from Cronkite.

Rachel Maddow is the left's equivalent of Glenn Beck. She is much more of a storyteller of possibilities, than she is an objective presenter of the truth.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2005
Stewart is 100% correct in his media analysis. The media is shite, but not for the reason the right thinks it is. It's shite because it offers infotainment rather than information. Just look at this discussion board. Half the threads started are based on news articles and the threads are nonsense because the articles they're based on are nonsense. If they aren't politically biased, they are offering a limited view that is pre-packaged as entertainment. You'll never understand much about a legal case or scientific study by reading an article on it. You're lucky if it covers 20% of the pertinent facts. What's excluded didn't rile up the reader enough, or it would have made the article longer than can easily be digested during the duration of the average human bowel movement.
Jan 25, 2011
And that too has another side of the story, Pelosi is there to present her political party in the best possible way. She deferred to jobs primarily because the alternate topic of the day was damaging to her party.

Remember the news conference Pelosi gave where she broke out the waterworks at just how angry and violent the Tea Party is, and how she feels the lives of her fellow Democrats are in serious danger?

It's a sad indication of the media, but it's also a sad indication of politicians.

Absolutely it's sad all around. Politicians use the media to distract while the media only looks to "the other side" when something is said. Romney making the joke about not having a job come to mind lately. I'd wager the vast majority didn't really care and understood the benign intent yet the media had to run to the left to hear what they had to say so they could have a story about how mad "people" were about it.

None of them really give a damn what the desires and thoughts of the people are any more. It's like a contest to see who can take the dumbest shit and make it a giant story. Even the focus on Weiner was pathetic.
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