Originally posted by: Geniere
This old fart also recalls the first time he saw a Darlington pair, two transistors in the same package. I could not believe it could be possible. I saw my first true computer in 1948 at Bell Tel Labs in Murray Hill NJ. This (link below), shown to me by my older (much smarter) sister who did math/physics work there. Programs were hard wired into it, output was a Teletype machine at 10 baud if I remember. She played Bridge with some of the great solid-state pioneers of the day.
Before I finished my degree, I serviced computers for RCA. Their 301 and 501 models were designed cc. 1955, had no integrated circuits and the memory was donuts suspended on wires. They were 7 bit computers with a parity check using the 8th bit. Program entry was via punch card or by Teletype tape reader. Mass storage was usually tape but they also made some really odd ball (non serial, mechanical nightmare) storage devices. Usually there were 8 gates per circuit board and thousands of circuit boards. Just before I left, I installed an IBM Winchester drive at one of my sites. Wow