Statue of gay hero draws monumental flak


Apr 2, 2001
Statue of gay hero draws monumental flak
Tue Jun 14, 2005 01:53 PM ET
By Cameron French

TORONTO (Reuters) - A statue commemorating a hero of Toronto's gay community is raising hackles both for the actions of the man it depicts and for the somewhat graphic description of the 19th-Century sex scandal that made him famous.

But denizens of Toronto's centrally located and often irreverent gay neighborhood -- the home of the city's hugely popular annual gay pride celebrations -- say the sculpture is not offensive, and fits with the spirit of the community.

The 13-1/2 foot (4.1 meter) bronze and granite monument depicts Alexander Wood, famous for both owning the land on which the community now sits, and for being run out of town under a cloud of sexual scandal in the early 1800s.

It shows a dapper young man wearing a long coat and holding a top hat and cane.

"It's nice to have the statue in the community, but I don't think it's well done," said one area resident, referring to a plaque at the statue's base that outlines the scandal.

"I think it's misleading. The sensationalistic side of homosexuality is not the norm."

Wood emigrated from Scotland in the 1790s, becoming a merchant, militiaman and a well-respected magistrate, before running into trouble in 1810.

A woman reported a rape, noting she had scratched the attacker on his genitals. Wood took matters into his own hands, lining up the suspects and demanding that they drop their pants so he could "inspect" them.

After word of the incident got around, Wood was widely branded a "molly," a derogatory term for homosexuals, and he agreed to leave town in exchange for not being prosecuted for abusing his position.

The incident is commemorated on the statue's granite base, with a bronze plaque depicting a man's rear-end with his pants around his knees, and Wood's outstretched hand in mid-examination.

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No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
Yeah, I don't know that depicting the event on the plaque seems entirely necessary.
Feb 3, 2001
Well the funny part is that no one even knows if this guy WAS gay. He was looking for a rapist whose bubbles-n-squeak got scratched. Funny, tho'.



Diamond Member
Dec 19, 2002
I never really understood if he was in fact gay or he was genuinely attempting to find the rapist via that unorthodox method.