Stations agree on anti-payola agreement


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2005
Originally posted by: mzkhadir

...the things people will do for money. the government getting involved?

Media is money obviously in some good terms of perspective. But you gotta admit, are we really going to be considering the impact of these companies in the long run with how they're trying to influence society? I barely picked up anything associated with censoring the material and to what standards these songs will be maintained under as far as rating systems go. Movies have rating systems, but under circumstances, we look at music albums that have 'suggestive lyrics' in summary. This is really stupid.

Conspiracy to get things rolling in a direction for monopoly and power struggle between the government and their friends in the business? Could be.

Nonetheless, you gotta make stupid rules for society to come up with stronger and more meaningful rules in the long run. GL everybody who's trying to go into the music industry!!


Apr 29, 2003
fire400, I'm scratching my head trying to figure out what you're saying. I mean, you have a lot of words there - and all of them are actual words - but I'm just really confused by what... exactly you're trying to say.

Edit: My comments:
The electromagnetic spectrum ("airwaves") is owned by the people, businesses just borrow it. Therefore the people can set the terms that the businesses must live by. But I'm inclined to say that the people get what they deserve for listening to crappy stations. If people didn't want to listen to the music that the record companies are paying stations to play (directly or indirectly), they'd change the station and the radio station would lose advertising funds. I don't think we need the government to tell radio stations how they can decide what to play.