"Spying on the Homefront"


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2007


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I recorded my song in 2006. The second verse says:

All the forces of war were compelling,
And blacker than Colin, the Knight,
And the lies they were telling, they sell in the name of their savior.

And they silence the voices arising,
From those who would show us the light,
With their guys with their spies in the skies watching you and your neighbor.

And Who's Watching Over Who's Watching Over You?
Tell me who's telling who's telling you what to do what to do?

Don't bother to complain if you don't like my song or my singing. We would all be much better off if the traitors and murderers and the crimes they have committed in our names had never existed to inspire it. :(


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
Terrorists endorse our country spying on its own citizens.

Its right out of Osama's playbook.

Thanks Bush.



Jul 1, 2004
Originally posted by: OrByte
Terrorists endorse our country spying on its own citizens.

Its right out of Osama's playbook.

Thanks Bush.

If there is validity in the belief that politicians will inevitably abuse powers, either given to them, or taken, due to the war on terror, then terrorism can win simply by existing. Our country is not a set of borders or even the people themselves, it is simply a set of beliefs and rules of law. And if those are destroyed, effectively, so is the nation.

That's why it makes me cringe when people use the words "in a post-9/11 America," because it is in a sense, nothing short of waving a white flag.

As a nation, we have failed to understand that while they toppled two big buildings and killed a lot of people, it is our choice whether or not they did more damage than that. In my mind, they did not, but I'm afraid too many have a different perspective.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Harvey
I recorded my song in 2006. The second verse says:

All the forces of war were compelling,
And blacker than Colin, the Knight,
And the lies they were telling, they sell in the name of their savior.

And they silence the voices arising,
From those who would show us the light,
With their guys with their spies in the skies watching you and your neighbor.

And Who's Watching Over Who's Watching Over You?
Tell me who's telling who's telling you what to do what to do?

Don't bother to complain if you don't like my song or my singing. We would all be much better off if the traitors and murderers and the crimes they have committed in our names had never existed to inspire it. :(

And yet your song STILL sucks ass...


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: BoberFett

And yet your song STILL sucks ass...

Well, until you can post one of your own that's any better, you're more than welcome to :lips: my (_!_).


Jan 28, 2002
Originally posted by: bamacre
Originally posted by: OrByte
Terrorists endorse our country spying on its own citizens.

Its right out of Osama's playbook.

Thanks Bush.

If there is validity in the belief that politicians will inevitably abuse powers, either given to them, or taken, due to the war on terror, then terrorism can win simply by existing. Our country is not a set of borders or even the people themselves, it is simply a set of beliefs and rules of law. And if those are destroyed, effectively, so is the nation.

That's why it makes me cringe when people use the words "in a post-9/11 America," because it is in a sense, nothing short of waving a white flag.

As a nation, we have failed to understand that while they toppled two big buildings and killed a lot of people, it is our choice whether or not they did more damage than that. In my mind, they did not, but I'm afraid too many have a different perspective.

Most excellent.



Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: BoberFett

And yet your song STILL sucks ass...

Well, until you can post one of your own that's any better, you're more than welcome to :lips: my (_!_).

Such a lame argument. You dont have to conduct a symphony to know that your song sucks.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: BoberFett

And yet your song STILL sucks ass...

Well, until you can post one of your own that's any better, you're more than welcome to :lips: my (_!_).

Such a lame argument. You dont have to conduct a symphony to know that your song sucks.

I liked it. Sounds like James Taylor but better.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Excuse me Excuse me, if GWB&co wants to know exactly what I think of them, they don't have to tap my telephone, they can just bop right on over to P&N and read all about it.
Were I the lone non conformist in a nation of sheep it might be one thing, but get a clue, but I am in the 70% plus majority now. Maybe GWB&co can take heart that they still fool 28%, but they are already toast now in domestic and international opinions.

GWB&co may escape their well deserved impeachment and conviction, but I still think its very possible they will end their sad and sorry lives imprisoned as international war criminals. They presume to spy on the very people who will ultimately judge them, its a fool game but they are fools.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: BoberFett

And yet your song STILL sucks ass...

Well, until you can post one of your own that's any better, you're more than welcome to :lips: my (_!_).

Such a lame argument. You dont have to conduct a symphony to know that your song sucks.


Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Originally posted by: Dari
This thread has Eventhorizon's name written all over it.

Gotta love Dari, event8horizon does not even post on this thread and it all his damn fault.
Now with all due respects to event8horizon, there is a certain disrespect by Dari given the 70+% majority in agreement with event8horizon.

Get a damn clue Dari, if you are going to call event an idiot, I for one demand equal blame.

Get another clue Dari, event8horizon is not in a small minority or is the lone ranger, its you who are in the lunatic fringe, up the creek, without a paddle.


Golden Member
Sep 15, 2003
You spy on the homefront is about controlling the mindset of the homefront. As in most abuse, the psychological groundwork that's laid as a defensive measure is a direct result of abuse reassignment of blame through propaganda and blaming others on what you yourself are doing.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: BoberFett

And yet your song STILL sucks ass...

Well, until you can post one of your own that's any better, you're more than welcome to :lips: my (_!_).

Originally posted by: Harvey
"And yet you can eat shit, fuck off and die, and take your whore mother with you."

Good one. What are you, twelve?