speed up a 56k


Jan 14, 2001
USRobotics is going to release a new firmware for 25MHz Couriers that is going to support most of V92, which may improve the speed a little bit. Also you can get a 2nd V90 modem (and 2nd phone line of course) and try multilink PPP.
Frankly the only way REALLY to improve the speed is to get a DSL or Cable modem. I am paying $39.99 monthly for my 768/128 ADSL and I am able to download w/ 80-86k/s from most sites. IMHO this is the best bang for the bucks.
If there is no way go get DSL or Cable modem in you area you can try ISDN.


Diamond Member
Apr 25, 2001
The FCC limits a 56K modem to 53.3 Kbps. The best thing you can do is run the latest drivers for your brand modem (Make sure they are from the manufacturer and not just the chipset) and as short and clean of a run to the connection box to the phone company. When running the cable to your PC, use a short cord to the wall jack. If you have the luxury of accesing your inside wiring, make sure the cable is away from any power lines, metal pipes and AC ducts. I get my best connections early in the morning (6:30 AM usually around 52.8 to 53.3Kbps) and the worst in the late afternoon to early evening. Connection speed varies greatly during the day.
Another thing I have tried with some success is using Cat 5 cable for the phone connection. Cat 5 cable is four twisted pairs of wire. The twisting cancels out the magnetic flux created when a signal is sent through the line and also helps cancel out any noise induced from external sources.
Hope this helps...;)