Space Rangers 2 question


Senior member
Jul 7, 2008
I picked this game up from a sale and finally got around to installing it. Steep learning curve, turn based space combat, trading, exploration, RTS, questing, you name it... Really fun game and i hope they some day decide to make a sequel.

At any rate, i have a specific question for those that have played the "Reboot" version: I have visited hundreds of planets, and NEVER get any text quests. I cant figure it out. I've googled quite a bit and havent found anyone with the same issue.

Also in a couple weeks of playing i have only ever had the option of one RTS planetary battle. I have liberated a couple systems and only have had the option once. I also dont get any RTS section in the tutorial when i start a new game. Anyone else have either of these problems?

(I do have the option to play RTS and text quests from the main menu screen.)


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
this looks like a pretty awesome game. This is the same developer as the King's Bounty series, correct?

I'll probably pick them up on some sale down the line, when I finish all those other games.



Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
Only ever played Space Rangers 1. Didn't quite get into it.

Will be reviewing one, maybe two similar games shortly so keep an eye out on the ATPCG Forum.


Senior member
Jul 7, 2008
this looks like a pretty awesome game. This is the same developer as the King's Bounty series, correct?

I dont think it is the same developer, although both were developed by small Russian companies. They share the same publisher, 1C company.

It is quite the unique game, the only gameplay comparison i can come up with is with the classic space trading sim "Elite".

The learning curve is quite steep (though not so much as a cliff as Elite was), and i think this is why the series has all but disappeared, although i see it is still extremely popular in Russia.


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2002
Same developers I think. There was a branch in the company that did Space rangers and so the developers went and made the company that did king bounty. Vaguely I think they did not obtian the ip for space rangers so no space rangers 3 but my memory here is vague.