Soyo and Audigy issues?


Golden Member
Jan 3, 2001
I built a new XP machine for my old man for Christmas using the Soyo Dragon + board and I had tried to use an oem audigy card for it, but I had all manner of issues.

Each and everytime I tried to install the audigy drivers, the system would not only crash, but it would also result in corrupted files in the XP drivers folder, requiring a reformat and fresh install.
Needless to say, this really p!ssed me off.
This included:
- using his driver cd and running the install ap
- attempting to use windows to locate the drivers off of the cd
- using my driver cd and running the install ap
- attempting to use windows to locate the drivers off of my cd
- using a duplicate of my driver cd
- running it off a an image on the hd
- telling windows to locate the drivers at the image location
- using a d/l of leaded beta drivers

His specs:
Soyo Dragon +
XP 1800
512 Crucial pc2100
Xtasy GF3 Ti200
Maxtor 60gig, 7200
XP Home
Pioneer 16x DVD
Yamaha 20x CDRW

Each and everyone of these crashed the whole system. Now, I have an audigy installed on my machine, which also runs XP, and I had no problems whatsoever.

He's currently using the onboard sound, which is pretty good, but I really would rather he could use the card that I had him pay for, plus, w/o the audigy he has no firewire, which he will need.

Anybody have any ideas here? I've been looking all over the place, but I haven't found reference to issues between these parts...